
guild wars 2 gold Gold-line reproduced above - AVX

129742938960625000_4Contract: IF1203 date: 20 aoc gold,120,220 sell orders pay turnover ranking ranking ranking ranking ranking member turnover ratio for short sessions to increase or decrease the Member paid than for short sessions to increase or decrease ranking member on short selling volume than the previous trading day to increase or decrease 1-industrialFuture 45201-9741 1-South China card futures 6 guild wars 2 gold,980 in futures 2,907 672 1-414 2-2-42441-5661 guotai Junan guotai Junan 2,555 383 2-guotai Junan 5,882738 3-China wheel great wall 41079-10766 3-haitong futures 123 3-haitong futures 4-haitong futures 4,221 4-China wheel great wall 2,116 110011-China Great Wall 3 star wars the gold republic credits,777 94 5-GF futures 5 2043 149 5-0007-Everbright futures-bright futures card futures in 1732 1087 6-22655-3288 6-wideTopix futures 1902 61 6-Shanghai Nanhua futures in 1651 460 7-21107-5431 7-card in the futures 1597-219 7-GF futures 266 8-bright futures 20,604-4,389 8-1593 148 8-Galaxy futures shenyin wanguo 1266 33 9 9-Lu Zheng-Galaxy futures 19984-6852 futures Nanhua futures 1138 in 1548 296 9-71 101-Zhejiang yongan 1536, shenyin wanguo 18805-2790-60 10-Zhejiang yongan 1130 102 11-18463-3027 11-Lu Zheng futures futures 1377 310 11-industrialFutures 1083 174 Topix 17681-898 12-12-Shanghai shenyin wanguo 1282 198 12 1070-Galaxy futures 184 13-15934-4085 13-Zhejiang of Zhejiang businessmen futures futuresIn 1232 133 13-Qi 922-158 14-day grain futures futures futures 1023 122 14 14892-4099 14-cm-CITIC building investment and 840 64 15-Zhejiang yongan 13,438-1814-15-1021 140 15-Lu Zheng credit futures futures futures 11706-2424 16 754-13 16-Bohai-Topix 1020 153 16-Shanghai dahua futures 683 580136-investment futures 10124-3154-in 985 7 17-grain futures futures futures 655 53 18-letter 9965-950 18 East Wu-Zhejiang futures futures 898 221 18-624-1-CITIC building investment 8822-1568-CITIC building investment of 898 474 19-595 65 20-letter of credit futures futures futures 893 8133-2050 20-Rodda 161 200017-futures gold in 570 223 total 434783-102604 3,603-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, windAt your own risk.

