
diablo 3 gold of educated youths will be treated according to State enterprise employees - UGH

129742915523750000_302Summary: this time, someone took out a little book that we are voluntary hunger strike, please sign your name. Soon, 211 educated youth signed his name on the book. And then participate in the hunger strike of the educated youth kneeling on the floor of the whole oath. Xu Shifu led an affidavit, we follow his. Content is probably, to the coldest winter we swear, purpose of the hunger strike is to ask to go home, are not designed to not give up! You want toCompliance with the three main rules of discipline and eight note, and so on. Hundreds of educated youth uniform kneeling on the ground, exceptions and stirring. Relatives of the hunger strike of the educated youth returned to Chengdu made a telegraph, messages inform diversityin mengsong educated youth hunger strike. The abstracts from the 2005 issue of the Dragon tongue author: Yang Quan original entitled: the 1979: assist the educated youth of fancheng in Yunnan introduction in March 1971By July, graduates of junior middle school students in Chengdu city one after another came to production and construction Corps to assist in Yunnan, all more than a total of more than 16,000 people, with the total of more than 41,000 people in Chongqing educated youth assist in Yunnan. "Assist the educated youth of Yunnan", became the Group's special call. In 1974 diablo 3 gold, the restoration of original production and construction Corps formed state farm in Yunnan, but educated youthThey do not seem to agree with, still claims to be a division of a corporation of a camp of a continuous educated youth. By 1978, the tens of thousands of educated youth has spent her eighth year in Yunnan. During this period, educated youth and continuing through a variety of channels out of the farm. Especially in 1977, the recovery of the University entrance examination, some left the farm school graduates through 1977, the college entrance examination. 1978Years in Chengdu and in educated youth has carried out a very simple test of college entrance examination, recruits a number of school graduates back to Chengdu to enter secondary school students. Some avenues also neizhao their staff's children now for various reasons. At the same time, go to the countryside in Sichuan province has been transferred back to Chengdu, Chongqing educated youth organization of work. Farm stay in Yunnan, most parents unitsNeizhao no doors or kaoxue no hope of the educated youth. Together with former partner of Yunnan to go one by one, leaving people very uncomfortable, hanging over a desolate atmosphere. School graduates some practical problems have become more and more prominent. Most of this group of educated youth is 65 years old, and had to talk about marriage on the marriage age, but not only fail to get married and have evenObjects are not. Love the educated youth in Yunnan have no intention to get married and have, fear that a marriage will never back down. The other hand, unmarried cohabitation is very common in educated youth tera power leveling, which caused the pregnancy abortions, unwed births occur. Farm school graduates even housing issues are not resolved, people crowded into dilapidated thatched houses. In lincangCouncil is a member of a number of farms, educated youth (including older workers) living conditions were very poor, often without vegetables, a couple of months without meat eating is common. Prone to mistakes of cadres of the farm school graduates bundled hung and beat, also used his powers of individual cadres debauchery woman educated youth. These problems over time, long term are not addressed. The end of 1978, national educated youth go to the countrysideMeeting held in Beijing, educated youths are seem to find hope. However, the outcome of the meeting have made educated youth were very disappointing. Meeting decisions: first, in the next several years, to continue to mobilize the educated youth go to the countryside, second,Supports and encourages ambition and of the journal of the educated youth take root in rural areas and in border operations. After the release of the educated youth working 40 comments make it clear that: "the next frontier farm (including the production and construction Corps) of educated youths will be treated according to State enterprise employees, is no longer included in the scope of national policies to take care of. "This means that assist school graduates must stay on a farm in Yunnan for life! Their last-GreekLooking completely shattered. Message of the meeting published in the newspaper tera gold, and immediately caused a stir in the educated youth, long conflict erupted like a volcano. In November 1978, the Xishuangbanna olive farm dam when a Shanghai woman educated youth have children due to medical malpractice deaths sparked mass processions of educated youth and development spread to almost all farms in the province's educated youthWorkers. Fujing petitions of educated youth organization of Xishuangbanna in Kunming is blocked, a rage to commit suicide by lying on the railway, leaving from Kunming to Beijing direction disruption of railway transport for more than 60 hours. Later, as the petition was finally to Beijing, Wang Zhen, Vice Premier of the State Council met at that time, the two sides agreed to solve the problem of the measures and steps, gradually to strike down. Xishuangbanna school graduates on strikeJust calm, in mid-December, four diversityin mengsong farm field school graduates began to strike of some companies, and soon spread to almost all of the farm's company, and developed into a massive hunger strike. But nobody expected that this incident led to assist the educated youth of Yunnan agricultural reclamation system in fancheng, and to a certain extent, an end to the educated youth lasted more than 10 years in China under the mountainRural movement. Now, things have passed more than 20 years, our country has undergone radical changes, good situation, social stability, again looking back on this period of history, and still allows us to feel the hurricane and Thunder and lightning. Strike diversityin mengsong farms is located in the southwest of Yunnan gengmadaizuwazuzizhixian, is a plant of rubber farms, educated youth are accustomed to sayingIt is seven. The farm consists of five fields, comprising a hospital, a power station and several affiliated companies and a total of more than 5,000 school graduates, most of whom are educated youths in Chengdu. Diversityin mengsong dam is a dam of the beautiful and rich, Dai style rich here, surrounded by mountains covered with original tropical rainforest, on the dam, rice three times a year, and is rich in sugar cane. Others:

