
wot power leveling provide inputs need to be cautious - KLL

129748630660000000_129Last number: 10 15 31 34 08 forecast for the current period: 1 world of tanks power leveling, size: 23 or 14 2, even and odd's ratio: 32 3, three district: (221 for, 13-24 for the second district, 25-35 district) 4, high and low ratio: 32, and value. 70-100, heavy. 0-1 7, hot and cold. Cold-0, (who I will miss more than 10 issues wot power leveling, defined as cold), Wen 1-2 (6-10 period is defined as the temperature, I will miss, missing 5 and below is the hot number) 8, even numbers. 1-2 group even after number 9, area analysis. Period on a great combination, combination of good size for the current period;Surprising even on combination, this issue continues to look after surprising combinations, has 11 in a row during an odd combo, this period shall prevent a singular combination. Review: good strength in the area for the current period, and the value at 100 points, good strength in the decimal; 4 periods in a row, out of the cold, the bears out of the cold,; 6 not out, even in a row, the bulls out of the 1-2 group, even; tail evenContinued 9 falls on the low end wot power leveling, good tail falls on the high Mei award. V Ocean: the district after five code: 04 07 10 11 gold gall: leading 05: 03 05 tail: 26,35 fro 11 05 06 07 10 11 17 2426 35 04 07 10 buyer knows the village remind you, in color at risk, provide inputs need to be cautious: the buyer knows the village

