
diablo 3 power leveling older model that you 2G may not be able to make or receive phone calls - GH

129764878478125000_4PHS delisting: before the development of win-win choice NetEase tech news on March 16, CCTV 3.15 evening yesterday tera gold, show exposures using idle of PHS network of China Telecom Shanghai Branch, established channels of mass message, and to send junk SMS profit. PHS idle network mentioned here, this should be at the end of last year, has retired from net to clear frequency, but are still sinecures role to play. WhileFor similar spectrum reallocation, foreign carrier is forced to close the net. Delisting the puzzle based on January 2009 the Ministry issued a notification, PHS this fall should be completed before the end of 2011 NET clear frequency. So far diablo 3 power leveling, authorities have not yet issued a formal deactivate alerts for PHS. Prior to this interchange has been vigorously promote promote PHS promote "mobile phone"Promotion, Super tens of millions of users but still keep the field, PHS delisting project delays have become a fact, while Unicom had earlier postponed until March 31, closed network, but currently there is not a clear official withdrawal schedule for the answer to this mystery. 20MHz of valuable spectrum for a long time, PHS has been divided by the Ministry of 1900-1920MHzThe 20MHz band, speaking from the resource itself, the band is better than 3G owned by China Telecom and China Unicom frequency spectrum resources. In order to support self-3G standard, build China Mobile TD-SCDMA network construction work is approved you can use 1880-1900MHz, a band, the obvious is the band and PHS band was too close willThe signal noise, causing inconvenience to the users. To this can be seen in terms of resources or from a user experience perspective, redistribution of the band must be a win-win option. Stones from other hills to the spectrum problem problem, is a patient or a strong subject? Foreign operators to make a very clear choice. To make effective use of the spectrum, United States second largest operator ATT2G has urged its customers to its original Terminal upgrades to a new device that can run on the 3G network. After Force shutdown of some 2G devices, ATT company warned in a letter addressed to the user: ", older model that you 2G may not be able to make or receive phone calls, you may be declining in some areas have wireless service quality issues. "In additionKorea operators for spectrum utilization, also adopted a policy of forcibly closed, at the same time the country has also supported the position of the Court. Korea 2G service users to a total of about 100,000 people, close this user has repeatedly tried to delay the service plans, but the Court stated that only this user keep 20MHz spectrum blocks will put the company at a competitive disadvantage diablo 3 power leveling, Network planning will be conducted as scheduled. (Yanzhi) Others:

