
tera gold 23-win 20 negative - QVV

129765277416875000_34End of the King's victory over the Celts season Sawdon 36-21 Thompson 15 Yeah sporting March 17: NBA regular 2011-12 season continues, the Sacramento Kings (15 WINS 29 negative) successfully rebounded in the arena. Marcus-Paul b. Thornton to house up to 36 minutes,-Jason Thompson had 21 points and 15 rebounds, they lead the team in the third section with play attacking orgasm, King opened the gap in one fell swoop, he120-95 beat the Boston Celtics in the arena team (23-win 20 negative). King ends three-season, at the end of eight season against Celtic, Celtic's two consecutive victories is ended. 78,740 King Marcus-Paul b. Thornton are tackling 36 minutes, 5 times, 4 rebounds and 4 assists, Jason-Thompson get 21 points, 15 rebounds and 4 assists, Demarcus-Brian cousins get 20 points tera power leveling, 7 rebounds and 4 assists, ichsia-Thomas got 13 points and 10 assists and 3 rebounds, Yves-Otelo get 11 points and 4 rebounds. Celtic Thunder-Allen get 26 points, Paul Pierce get 19 points, Brandon-bass get 16 points, Kevin-Garnett got 10 points, 9 rebounds and 3 assists, and Michael pitelusi (micro-blogging) are 9, Jane-Landau received 4 points, 12 assists and 3 rebounds. Visit Celtic 4, Thompson and Paul b. Thornton attacks succeeding respectively, two teams fight to 6. Bass dunk succeeded was leading again by green shirts, team run 6-Thomas, the first section there are 5Kings 15 seconds time to 14-10 fanchao. After the two teams each get 8 points, Green's two penalties, jumpers hit Thomas, King in 26-20 leading 6-end of the first day. Even 5 minutes start green, section II, King opened to 11 points advantage. Pitelusi in three minutes, even after 4 minutes, his team making a small upsurge in 11-3, half the top 7Minutes and 45 seconds, between Celtic 31-34. Otelo jump shot hit, Allan into two three, Pierce 3-success, Celtic in 5 minutes and 40 seconds before halftime, leading 40-38. Otelo and fuleidete hits three points, they lead the team back for 12-2 of small orgasm, King fanchao of 8. Allan in a three-part, the Green shirts9-2 back end of this section, half Celtic 51-52 backward 1 minute. King Paul b. Thornton first half and get a score of 10, Thompson 9 points and 8 rebounds, Brian cousins 8 points and 5 rebounds; Celtic Paul Pierce got 15 points, Allan 13 points, of bath, get a score of 8. Thomas started only 7 points after the third section,Brian cousins are two attacks from succeeding, they team with a 17-1 start to the wave of attacks, King the advantage expanded to 17 points. Bath only 6 points, Garnett also contributed 4 points, they helped Celtic to put gap back to single digits. Thompson's attack succeeded three times in a row, Sawdon finds the handle is in continuous two threes, King of this section when you have 2 minutes 55 seconds to 85-68-leading 17. Each 4 points, Paul b. Thornton and Thomas are two penalties, to King 93-74-leading 19 points to finish third. Paul b. Thornton began to run after 4 in the last section, Kings to extend into 23 points. Allan who had 10 points diablo 3 power leveling, Otelo, Brian cousins together and Paul b. Thornton response 7 min tera gold, 6 minutes and 40 seconds before the final King 104-84 ledFirst 20 minutes. Down was disarmed in advance put on by Celtic substitute, they eventually defeated with 95-120. Celtic starting lineup: Landau, Allen, Pierce, bath, and King Garnett teams starting lineup: Thomas, and Paul b. Thornton, and John Salmons, and Thompson, and Brian cousins Others:

