
world of tanks power leveling as a medium - KVA

129756442789687500_35Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly hexun.com comments > source body font size print RSS March 07, 2012: World Chinese wealth-author: congli NI ping information on two sessions this year world of tanks power leveling, NGAIPing declined the interview, but it's still famous again. A sentence taken out of context, "this year I was to become a mute", various media reports forwarded comments, many people to criticize NI Ping in time of mute on the. NI Ping can be considered a famous media person, all well known work on the media and journalists, but repeatedly refused reporters this year, could see that she was as straightforwardPeople, many in the media for its "real language" while vocal opposition continued, as the media and the journalists themselves, also should have taken and ask, why "NI ping" for media and journalists have such a backlash? The news came out yesterday, many criticism towards Yu Ni Auntie lightning striking language, now that is representative of how dumb can be done? Eg you want to dump as soon asAt real can admonishing statement on behalf of sth I feel when you are finished, some media estimated in "fair eye", "style", it is possible to misread the Ni Da fuck do you mean, just imagine, at any rate, a senior media industry retirees, immersed media circles for years, did not know one of the public figures cannot be casually talking in public? Never knew some of what can cause misleading ambiguities�� ����So, mine fault chapter takes Word did not know that the media coverage of what is intended? Sure enough, Ni Da damn microblogging, long microblogging describes in detail things after. Things mostly drop: when a reporter asked this year's report, she responded "so few words not clear". Then a reporter asking why its not an interview, NI ping replied: "Son, you when I mute it. "NI Ping said in an interview when the side was a member and don't want their influence to others, so they declined a reporter. But she does not understand why his message would be distorted, "I only said that in the face when he as a mute wot power leveling, but is now said to me at the Committee meeting is a dumb as a whole". I believe, this is basically a fact, NGAIAuntie estimates is to "microphone" and yield time to other members, or "connection at a press conference in the face" or, for whatever reason, Ni Da damn "mute on" shine! And NI ping received daily also said in an interview with the South, has made three proposals this year. First on the cultural construction, now in cultural industries in various places, but the culture industry cannotInstead of cultural construction. Attaching importance to the culture of this issue, the second proposal, children cannot be left behind. Many children left behind will have more food will have more clothing, but heart problems to stay out. Both parents have to have one person stay, is not making money can be raised. Third is the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage outside the cultural heritage. Because the application into the directory requires a lot of hard conditions. There areSome of the legacy of these conditions cannot be met, should also be protected. Real news of life, seeking truth from facts is the basic professional ethics of media and journalists. Media should have a social responsibility to undertake "Social Watch" of social responsibility, and as a journalist, to have professional ethics, that is the minimum requirement. Media for the guiding role of public opinion in the present society is particularlyImportant and media has led social custom and the promotion of social progress and civilization, which is the media responsibility and mission. Two sessions of the annual report of China, as a medium, I think more should be associated with the national reports two sessions, there are all kinds of topics, and the value of, and actively guide public opinion, promote the progress of society and the Government. Regardless of the publicity, peopleOr attitudes, and so on, also respects the objective facts, do not crack eyeball world of tanks power leveling, Bo, in order to increase customer awareness of Web media, free to distort the exaggerated spoof hype sharpen their media or Web site, such as images, then passes this information rapidly age, who are not fools, reports of this kind, can only be annoyed. To bring a maximum ofSocial issues are trust issues, current status of Chinese people has some "says anything or not, who do not believe", for social development, this is not a good thing! NI ping dumb theory, very typical, and media to wake up! Our media, trying to claim anything against what? View where are you? How to embody and promote the core values of the society? ThisAre all media that have a good reflection of the present. (Congli writer)

