
diablo 3 gold kidney transplant more than 20 sets - DRG

129756711543593750_71780,000 people donated kidney transplant hospitals hope fill gaps such as organ donation after cardiac death you think not? Chengdu, 27 years old young man Liu gang (pseudonym), before passing into the end before working for a large enterprise, but in recruited physical examination found kidney problems. It was not long before, had deteriorated and he was determined to "uremia" and wanted to escape death threats, the bestMeans is to transplant a healthy kidney. "I was young, I wanted to live. But queuing a year ago, but haven't heard from. "Liu gang said. Like Liu gang waiting for kidney transplants nationwide with more than 2 million, and last year achieved only 5,200 cases of renal transplantation surgery sth For extremely short, yesterday (6th), from Sichuan University West China hospitalProvince of Chengdu military region general hospital affiliated hospital of Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine in hospital kidney liver specialists gathered in West China hospital, jointly appealed for voluntary "cardiac death" donate organs after. "Donor" Grandpa or 68 years old into the old organ donor in patients with hard while looking forward to transplant diablo 3 gold, selfless caring person to make donation decisions. On Friday, the right femoral fracture68 years old man Zhou guoqing, sudden sudden aggravation. Doctor's preliminary judgment, week Grandpa as a State of brain death. Weeks family has made an admirable decision: if it's brain dead, then on free useful organs could be donated to the patients need transplantation! Now, the family is the donation of formalities. "If the donation is successful, week Grandpa could become the country's oldestGovernment donors. "Provincial hospital organ transplant centre Director Yang Hongji said. "Data" to queue up for surgery in patients with rate of less than 20% in Sichuan, there are still more than 80,000 people are waiting for a kidney transplant. "Although someone donated every year, but more than the needed number of patients, are utterly inadequate. "Yang Hongji said, many patients waiting for organ transplants, are not suitable for organUnfortunately when the donor had died. Here are several hospitals of liver and kidney transplant surgery last year and the number of patients waiting for a donor: chuanda huaxi hospital: liver transplant more than 40 sets, waiting for the patients with more than 500 employees; kidney transplant more than more than 200, waiting with more than 1000 employees. Provincial hospital: liver transplant about 20, in line with about 50 people; kidney transplant about 60 units,Queued with about 400 people. General Hospital of Chengdu military region: kidney transplant more than 20 sets, queued with about 300 people. "Interpretation of" two big reasons why donation gap caused by the Ministry of health: revision complete organ donation during the year against such a large gap, the experts analysed the causes of lack of internal organs. "Propaganda is the primary factor, since a lot of people still do not know what to doDonation, donation system is not perfect. "Experts say overseas very early before the transplantation of organs of public donations, and flexible. For example, when you apply for a driver's license, sign a voluntary donation procedures in accidental death, once subject to accidents, can the first time transplanted. "Every year there are about 100,000 healthy human deaths from accidents, if youAwareness increased, then the gap of organ transplantation is not so great! "Experts are unanimous on advocacy, tomorrow is" World Kidney Day "slogan" donate kidneys, renewal of life ", I hope you can correct understanding of organ donation, and to actively participate in the" cardiac death "after the donation. Yesterday, Deputy Health Minister Huang jiefu said in a media interview, IOrgan donations are amendments to the Ordinance, will introduce this year. Huang jiefu said Chinese human organ donation will perform a cardiac death, brain death is not performed. By then, if pushed national cardiac death human organ donation, receptors can flow throughout the country, such as donor in Beijing, receptor in Shanghai. "Popular science" living donor donation is there any harm to the human body of West China hospital UrologyKidney transplant expert Lin Tao told reporter, now hospital has made more than 600 cases of living donor kidney donation, no cases of serious complications, are healthy. "Now is using the minimally invasive laparoscopic kidney, reducing pain and recovery time for the provider. "Lin Tao said that normal healthy person a part of the kidney, and does not affect the normal functioning of the body. (Reporter Li Shimin Liu Jeremy Bentham's photographyYing Li Xiangyun) (Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

