
diablo 3 gold many people arePolice detention. What is your comment on this - MAC

129756711570156250_781On March 7, 2012, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Weimin presided over the regular press conference. Zhongxinwang, March 7, according to China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web site news, March 7, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin held a regular press conference. Question: it was reported that some demonstrators a few days ago in the Chinese Ambassador to Ecuador Embassy to protest against the Government of Eritrea in cooperation with Chinese companies sign mining agreement, many people arePolice detention. What is your comment on this? Whether it will take measures to deal with similar incidents? Answer: China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit with Ecuador mining cooperation, conducive to the promotion of local economic development for the benefit of local people. Where the Chinese Government has consistently requested the Chinese side strictly abide by State laws and regulations, social responsibility, and actively contribute to the local community, introduce strict environmental standards, Protection of the ecological environment, and actively contribute to local sustainable development. On the cases you mentioned, in accordance with the relevant international conventions, host Governments have the responsibility to protect diplomatic personnel and property of the institution. Q: Turkey Prime Minister recently said that Syria is increasingly in danger of massacre of the situation. Have any comments on this? Answer: China in Syria on the issuePositions and ideas are very clear. We have two fully expounded China's stance, but also by sending a Special Envoy, to telephone and other means to inform the Chinese side advocates. We call upon the Syrian parties immediate, complete and unconditional cessation of all acts of violence, through non violent way to express political will, political solution to the support of the international community to Syria crisis make positive efforts. Asked:According to reports, the EU High Representative for foreign and security policy Baroness Ashton reply a few days ago Iran agreed with Iran to resume dialogue. Have any comments on this? On Iran nuclear problem towards what is looking forward to the next step? Answer: China through dialogue has been committed to the peaceful resolution of Iran nuclear issue, and active efforts to promoting the resuming talks. Recently, six States and resume talks to reach a consensus on Iraq, six yesterday on behalf of the European Union countries toIran reply, this is the international community to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiations in a positive development, we welcome. We will work together with other members of the six-nation mechanism to promote implementation and Iran resume talks as soon as possible, maintain a dialogue process, finding a comprehensive, long-term solution to the Iranian nuclear issue approaches. Question: yesterday, the Chinese Envoy visits Syria, please describe the situation. He urgedSyrian-related measures taken by the Government, and met with the leader of the opposition? Secondly, the United Nations Security Council has begun discussing United States of Syria-related draft resolutions submitted, whether the Chinese side considers that the draft can become the basis for solving the problems of classification? Answer: Ambassador Li Huaxin Yang Jiechi, the Foreign Ministers of Syria visit, will make contact with all parties concerned, to elaborate further the Chinese in Syria issuesAbout the positions and ideas on promoting Syria the political parties immediate, complete and unconditional cessation of all acts of violence, at the same time open inclusive process of political dialogue as soon as possible, to resolve the contradictions and differences through dialogue and consultation, a comprehensive and thorough reform of the road map and a timetable and to be implemented as soon as possible in order to restore Syria national stability and social order. Now I alsoDo not understand this visit, the Chinese side will publish relevant information in due time. On the second question. Country concerned is made in respect of the United States of the Council of Syria for consultations on the draft resolution in question, after we had to include the Council diablo 3 gold, Member States and relevant international and regional organizations had informed the Chinese side in Syria's six-point proposal on the issue, the United States position is also unclear. China supports the internationalCommunity for the political settlement of the crisis in Syria to play a constructive role, promote the Syrian political factions to open an inclusive political dialogue, support to United Nations played a leading role in humanitarian relief. But China's opposition to take "humanitarian" interference on the problem of Syria's internal affairs, take a dim view of Syria to implement military intervention or force to promote the so-called "regime change" tera power leveling,-considers sanctions or the threat of useDoes not help fundamentally solve the problem of the CD. China is ready to work in a six-point proposal, patience, full consultations with the parties concerned on an equal footing, and to reach a consensus in order to safeguard the unity of the Council tera gold, and Syria crisis resolved to play an active and constructive role. Question: it was reported that Xinjiang autonomous region said when answering a reporter's question today, "East Turkistan" elements of terror and China's neighborsChild has a substantial connection. Contact has China worried about this affect relations between China and neighbouring countries such as Pakistan? Answer: the "East Turkistan" is a serious threat to social stability in Xinjiang, has recently made numerous violent terrorist activities, has once again proved the "East Turkistan" terrorist nature of organized violence. You mentioned Pakistan, I would like to point out that, at the international front against terrorism in Pakistan, the international anti-Made a positive contribution to the struggle, also paid a great sacrifice, the international community should be highly praised Palestinian efforts against terrorism. Prevention and combating of terrorism, safeguarding regional security and stability in line with the common interests of CMB. Bilateral cooperation in the area of counter-terrorism carried out, we are willing to continue to deepen cooperation with the Palestinian side in the field, further deepening the relations, to promote peace and security in the region. (Responsible editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

