
wot power leveling as the dawn of the 5000 series of products - YFU

According to the Xinhua News Agency reporters from the 12 dawn of the company was informed that, concern a petaflop supercomputer are being developed world of tanks power leveling, is expected in 2010, dawn will launch a petaflop supercomputer dawn 6000.The reporter was also informed that wot power leveling, a petaflop supercomputer, for the first time in the domestic general purpose processor core as the core components of the dragon.Reportedly, the dawn of high performance computer currently has been the use of Intel (blog) or AMD processor, wherein, our first hundred trillion times computer dawn 5000A is the use of the AMD's quad-core Opteron processor.The company said, at present the Loongson processor application of Yu Shuguang 6000 super computer is still in the verification stage.Dawning Information Industry Company Limited president experience army emphasized that, although a single dragon core calculation ability and Intel and AMD current mainstream product compared with the weaker, but due to the high performance computer using a large number of dragon core for parallel computation, so the whole performance will not weaken the dawn of the 6000.In September 16, 2008 wot power leveling, as the dawn of the 5000 series of products, China's first ultra hundred trillion times the super computer dawn dawn 5000A in Tianjin industrial base line.Dawn 5000A to hundreds trillions of supercomputing has opened up a new era of high performance computers, China has become the United States after the world's second independent design and manufacture of hundred trillion times commercial high performance computer state.

