
tera power leveling 600879 - EDV

Administration portal website announces 29 days " 2011 Chinese spaceflight " white paper exposure, did not come 5 years, china will strengthen capability of spaceflight industry base to build diablo 3 power leveling, technology of lead deploy forward position studies, continue to carry out manned spaceflight, moon to explore, high resolution is system of right observation system, satellitic navigation location, new the spaceflight such as generation carrier rocket is great project of science and technology and a batch of first projects of key domain, build dimensional infrastructure as a whole, stimulative satellite and applied industry grow, begin dimensional science to consider deep, those who promote spaceflight enterprise is comprehensive, harmonious, can develop continuously. White paper shows, since 2006, chinese spaceflight career realizes rapid development, manned spaceflight, moon is explored wait for spaceflight project of great science and technology gains revolutionary headway, level of dimensional technique whole is jumped considerably litre, the economy of dimensional application and social benefit rise significantly, dimensional science obtains innovation sex positive result. White paper says, did not come 5 years, systematic respect is carried in spaceflight, the dependability that will enhance active service carrier rocket and emissive adaptability, above carrier rocket of development new generation and carrier rocket class, implementation " long march 5 " , " long march 6 " , " long march 7 " carrier rocket head fly. Respect of man-made world satellite tera power leveling, establish key compose the dimensional infrastructure framework that forms by the satellite such as fixed position of broadcast of right observation, communication, navigation, preliminary look serves ability into long-term, successive, steady professional work, develop new-style and scientific satellite and technical test satellite. Manned spaceflight respect, will blast off " divine boat 9 " , " divine boat 10 " airship, with what already flew in course " heavenly palace " target aircraft undertakes nobody or carry a person to hand in meeting butt joint; Emissive space lab, manned airship and freight airship, break through and master spacefarer metaphase to be stationed in stay, safeguard of life of second birth type and advance an agent to fill add wait for technology of dimensional station key tera power leveling, develop the dimensional application of certain dimensions, for the space station construction undertakes the technology prepares, carry a person to ascend argumentation of plan of lunar early days to begin. Finish established target job to ensure, chinese government formulate the policy that develops spaceflight career and measure, basically include: Make overall plans, reasonable deploy all sorts of spaceflight activities; Strengthen construction of ability of innovation of spaceflight science and technology; Drive satellitic application industry to develop energetically; Strengthen capability of base of industry of spaceflight science and technology to build; Strengthen policy code to build; The spaceflight activity funds that safeguard stabilizes continuously is devoted; Encourage social all circles to participate in spaceflight activity and strengthen spaceflight talent team to build. Much home orgnaization studies the report all values spaceflight property. Negotiable securities is promoted to study the report points out east, our country is in " 925 " during will come true " 100 arrows 100 stars " emissive target, predict " 925 " dimensions of industry of application of satellite of evening our country will break through 300 billion yuan. Founder negotiable securities studies the report points out, spaceflight estate company will fit in future be benefited continuously inside long period, with heavenly palace a dimensional station that is start is built will fasten relevant enterprise to bring huge profit for spaceflight. Negotiable securities is cast to study the report points out in, spaceflight blasts off to make spaceflight industry likely activator, the Chinese satellite that city firm gets on to have under one's name of group of spaceflight science and technology related (600118) , spaceflight motivation (600343) , spaceflight Electromechanical (600151) , spaceflight electron (600879) with subordinate of group of spaceflight family industry. Responsibility edits: NF045

