
eq2 plat in sunrise industry - EQM

129742939307656250_257In the current shocks to a share in the market, what the bench but with a potential outbreak of the stock? In this regard, industry analysts on 6 fundamental analysis of stocks, look at their "bench" how deep is the strength. Sdic Lu three quarterly earnings per share: $ 0.26 current circulation: 195.4 million shares elected to the reason: company is the industry giant, big unitEast State development and investment company with strong private brother Wang yawei top holdings. Fundamentals: the company is mainly engaged in the production of concentrated fruit and vegetable juices and sales, is one of the world's largest manufacturer of concentrated fruit juice, and companies such as Mitsubishi, Coca-Cola, Nestle age of conan gold, Cargill has established stable cooperation relations, mutual trust. Expected net profit in 2011 in 40 million ~5000Million tera gold, achieving turn into surplus. Bohai leased three quarterly earnings per share: $ 0.32 current circulation: 300.29 million shares elected to the reason: in sunrise industry, did not benefit from the liquidity premium. Fundamentals: lease acquisition of Hainan Airlines low price its aircraft leasing assets of the Bohai Sea, the main change for global aircraft leasing, 2011 ~2013 performance of the yearCommitment to $ 122 million, $ 141 million and $ 271 million. Beijing superior three quarterly earnings per share: $ 0.17 current circulation: 154.83 million shares elected to the reason: refractory material and polysilicon has always been popular subjects for market, but the share price performance is weaker than similar companies. Fundamentals: corporate responsibility-in the middle of production materials and permanent lining and cover castingNote, series of annular heating furnace refractories, unshaped refractories market share ranks first in the country, purging the market share ranked second. Company is also active in upper reaches of the layout, the formation of magnesium haicheng mine. Huayi electric three quarterly earnings per share: $ 0.11 current circulation: 515.18 million shares elected to the reason: rose significantly behind the popular unit, and recent MingObserved trend at the bottom of the display. Fundamentals: company specializing in high-voltage electrical appliances and wind power equipment manufacturing, January 2011, the company increased 12.3/unit complete 77.24 million shares, raise 950 million Yuan into five projects of wind and smart grid, invested $ 1.146 billion. Shares first three quarterly earnings per share: $ 0.43 current circulation:317.88 million stocks selected reasons: faster earnings growth than in the business unit eq2 plat, recently observed obvious at the bottom. Fundamentals: 2011 complete issue, into the new Lufthansa holding, the new Lufthansa holding each store location is superior. Expects net profit for the year 2011 an increase of around 770%. Rachel group three quarterly earnings per share: $ 0.95Current circulation: 177.67 million shares elected to the reason: in this round of market gains in relatively backward, and firm texture good, also the holdings of major shareholders and vaccine concepts. Fundamentals: vaccines and monoclonal antibodies will be the aspect of the company continued to grow in the future. Microcarrier cell suspension culture of JE vaccine has approval for production of a superior technology production; get the hepatitis b vaccine and rabies vaccine has 1Clinical approvals. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

