
world of tanks power leveling especially in the continuous downturn of the market state - WBH

129756442790781250_37Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleColumn of interviews you said that a global observation of weekly hexun.com comments > body font size print RSS March 07, 2012 from: daily economic news Xiong Jinqiu on March 2, he Qiang, Professor practiseThe current "t-1" transactions there are four drawbacks: does not help market investors avoid investment risks in a timely manner; greatly reduces the efficiency of the use of funds in the stock market, reduce the liquidity of the market and of active; is not conducive to the active stock market, especially in the continuous downturn of the market state; trading of stock index futures, "t-0" transactions cannot be matched. He Qiang recommendation a-share marketRestored "t-0" trading system. "First abuse", I believe that, unless the market or a company's fundamentals change dramatically, even bought on the day under normal circumstances wrong, admit out the next day, in this case "t-1" and "t-0" is not so big difference. Key is the company's fundamentals are "dramatic" changes, like Chongqing Brewery (600,132,Unit) high suddenly announced the bad news, stock continued to drop to investors runs not out, "t-0" comes in. However, if the stock on company management situation truthfully, so what was Chongqing Brewery's shares could rise to more than 80 Yuan? Company account is not suddenly appeared, but until there are only manipulated deliberately held back or ignored LeeEmpty, leading to high stock prices if share prices reflect the many uncertainties in the future of the company, announced that bad all of a sudden can impact what shares? This should be reflected in the share price for a long time. In addition, $ Chongqing beer in more than 60 per cent of the price for more than a year, investors simply have too many opportunities to escape, even if "t-0" or risk reduction�� The so-called "malpractice 23rd" referred mainly to reduce the liquidity of the market and activity. However, lies the crux of the a-share market minded rather than lack of activity in speculative stocks. Unit just over 10% of secondary market speculation stock exchange rate, new shares are often 90% over the exchange rate, now some experts even suggest IPOs ' implementation of the "t-0"Which may lead to 1000% in new shares and warrants on the first day of exchange rate; according to charge stamp duty on broker charges 1 per thousand unilateral 1 per thousand standard, transaction fee only loss market value of 3% a day, basic fried over more than 30 days on the company's market value. Exchange rate higher, investors pay a transaction cost more, the costs paid toBroker, and not into the real economy.����Such a "liquidity" and "activity" is not what the market needs, market and therefore being sucked dry pressing, briefly active as the market remained weak in the future. As for stock trading and stock index futures world of tanks power leveling, "t-0" transaction cannot match the "fourth abuses" it can be said that any single or a limited equity portfolio done or doEmpty, simply can't reverse transactions of stock index futures to hedge against, unless equity portfolio is a combination index, but really want to seek this carry trade, investors can be achieved by ETF funds, and stock index futures hedging transactions. And under normal circumstances, investors would like to carry through the stock and stock index futures trading is difficult world of tanks power leveling, because of the existence of transaction costs, arbitrage opportunitiesVery few. In fact, prior to 1995, stock transactions is "t-0". In 1994 when the bear market, stock day trading only dozens of hands. In view of this, I'm afraid market liquidity and "t-0" or "t-1" trading system and is not related to. And the old investors will remember that on October 7, 1993, "Bao extended wind"Extension in the industry a unique market in the day star unit, 30 million shares in the extension of the scale of the first time sold 41.5704 million shares, exchange rate of 138.6%, above and below the solution near 100% on the day, late fall to $ 34.61; continued to fall on October 8 30.08%. Such fluctuations in the ups and downs of speculation, does notRule out the possibility that a very small number of retail success, but many more are becoming cannon fodder. He Qiang believes implementation of "t-0", investors can be sold at any time, and restraining the rising speculation, wishful thinking. "T-0" has two sides, investors buy can sell afterwards, but again, after investors sold out or you can buy. Speculative market cannot beTo inhibit wot power leveling, rather than because the makers of more furtive played tricks and unpredictable, harm must be retail. Although the stock market over the last century 90 's progress, but did not reach maturity, large chip hype of investors profit model there is no fundamental change. Although he is aware of the problem after the President took office, and with much fanfare to shareholders recommending blue-chip stocks,Change the market profit mode, but at the moment it all with little success. Currently 0026 share plates to see themes such as touch screen unit, see ST trash, strutting in the market, while blue chips such as banks with his head, know the market or remain in the wild age, mature market, "t-0" system, the a-share markets can blind copying?

