
world of tanks power leveling first - DXQ

129742915514687500_288New in Beijing, February 18 (Lou) for United States David Dickson to substandard Chinese students at the State University issued by, a Kin wah LOH, 18th President of the China Sea Institute of higher education service center said when interviewed by zxs reporter, "this event was a turning point of strengthening the supervision of student services, to increase the intensity of management, perfecting mechanism is beneficial. "A few days ago, United StatesNorth Dakota State University of Greg Dixon published a report on the internal audit of the system point out that, to hundreds of schools did not meet the minimum score line of overseas students granted diplomas wot power leveling, the vast majority of whom are Chinese students. Investigators said: "enrollment not less rigid requirements of artificially reducing or even blind eye to fraud. More important is that issuing graduateCertificate had taken irresponsible manner. "Kin wah LOH believes that some United States University students, such as stress, lack of funds, faced with market-oriented transformation case, be relaxed at the admission threshold. But this phenomenon and domestic employment is too much "foreign diploma" and the mentality of students being relevant. He said, "actually burst out of the event and not a bad thing, study abroadAfter the gold content are everyone's concern, helps students and parents a more rational and carefully selected schools. "Overseas university diploma for" water "phenomenon is widespread, Kin wah LOH students have two suggestions: first, the choice of school world of tanks power leveling, refer to the official rankings, advertised by some educational institutions admission" unconditional "and" opening "and" shortcuts "such as fanWords need to be aware of. "Ranked high schools the entrance threshold, but the education quality assurance. "Secondly, the mentality of students for study abroad needs to straighten, to focus on improving their own quality, do not covet a shortcut. Kin wah LOH said that "learning is a necessary process of studying abroad, is the most effective means to improve its competitiveness. "He said, at present world of tanks power leveling, in the United States rankingTop 150 to 200 schools for undergraduate admission conditions in China have been relatively relaxed, "select top schools more insurance. "

