
rift plat 129748521180937500_148 - XRP

129748521180937500_148Recently, Internet rumors, Xiangshan, Ningbo, Zhejiang, has quietly work around the property market to buy limit order. Media reports also said the elephant was not exactly cancel the buy limit order in disguise. In response to this argument, Xiangshan County Government Information Office Director Ding Hua told reporters on 23rd, Xiangshan not cancel property restriction policies. Council and the Housing Office also made it clear that the construction of Xiangshan County, market restriction policies has yet to cancel。  For online rumors eq2 plat, Xiangshan County Bureau of housing and urban-rural construction, Xiangshan, Ningbo, always in accordance with the Committee on housing and urban-rural construction sales quota for the further implementation of the housing policy implementation document the notification on the relevant issues, and never make a decision to cancel the property restriction policy. China Securities news reporters to foreign buyers identity, Xiangshan star wars the gold republic credits, calls asking to buildOffice establishment staff to cancel the restriction of a thing, the staff have not heard to cancel a restriction and is expected not to cancel within a short time. Subsequently, the reporter dialed in Xiangshan County real estate management office telephone rift plat, staff of the Department, there is simply no Cancel property restriction policy, be cancelled when canceled, said she did not know the specific circumstances. (Zhao Hao)

