
tera power leveling the wealth manager is notChoice - LGT

129788454811875000_6Private stock of bank robbing customers increasing customer number mingshenganjiang It was, and it will be loss-the private bank of "zero-sum game", but also several few worry it with joy. 2011 annual report data displayed, many of the Bank's private banking (hereinafter referred to as "private line") dramatic growth in the number of customers, some even doubling growth; however, according to the China business newspaper reporters are a joint-stock Bank's internal report shows that the first half of 2011The line part of the branch of the private line customers downgrade rates up to 50%. Private persons admitted in an interview a number of "high-end customers greater mobility". Person behind the surge in the number of customers, difficult to hide your internal worries about the loss of customer funds. Private banking Managing Director Jing Wang, Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Bank, this is a common problem encountered by many private lines start. "Development of private lines necessaryTo a large number of inputs, not the establishment of several private Center, schedule a few account managers can achieve. "Growth worries despite the polished surface data growth, but statistics from within the Bank are quite different. 2011 private line data banks of the freshly "face". A steady growth, such as China Merchants Bank has the advantage of retail over $ 10 millionPrivate line customer growth of more than four years in a row 30%, Bank of China increases more than 60% private line customer, up to $ 300 billion in assets. Slowing growth, industrial and commercial bank in 2011 more than $ 8 million private customers exceeded 22,000 households, an increase of 22%, China Construction Bank more than $ 10 million private customers of 27.9 per cent9%; and 2010 and of growth down. Bank private line business rise. Years does not have Bank annual report showed private line data, earlier than its private line customers grew by 42.38%; 76.54% Minsheng Bank growth; and CITIC Bank data show that its more than $ 8 million private customers reached 23,000Households, representing an increase of 130%, 2010, compared to 93%. Reporters found in an interview, although the polished surface data growth, but statistics from within the Bank are quite different. The internal data of a joint-stock Bank, the Bank's first half of 2011, full compliance of private bank customer cumulative degradation rate as high as 30%, some branches even over 50%�� "Number of clients so much, a growth, a must to reduce. "Some members of the private sector, told reporters. China CITIC Bank private banking customers in the report of the study on the characteristics and developing trend of high net worth individuals constitute a tracing displays, where 71.6% of private owners, 23% management, in addition to a small number of lawyers, doctors, and otherProfessional and literary stars. Industry analysis, which accounted for the largest ratio of private owners "explosive growth" is over, "in 2001, joining the WTO brings export boom, explosive growth in the real estate market, as well as of the 2004 SME listed several waves of Fortune had passed, new rich people increased to return to normal. "A small and medium-sized joint-stock BankRetail business owner admits that "customer churn is a serious problem", in other words, now can only be existing wealth groups, "stock" competition in the market. Scramble for customers as more and more of the stock of food, banks were in focus on competitors stock the customer "wallet". Although competition is increasingly fierce, but soup of this market "Diners" camp are still growing. 331st, Beijing Bank private line opened. In 2011, three into the private sector "gold rush". 2011 low profile set up a private bank sector of Industrial Bank, China Everbright Bank has been working hard for four years-long private Centre officially opened; followed by Shanghai Pudong Development Bank private line opened. Has taken root in private for many years, including the China Merchants Bank, ICBC, China Construction BankAccelerating expansion. China Construction Bank wealth management and private banking division General Manager Wei Chunqi said in a press interview last year, 2012 in 2011 will be advancing on the basis of more than 100 wealth management and private banking centres and planned in 2015, ensuring that private banks totaled 700. More later entrants, such asMainly for the trust of the high net worth individuals, third-party financing companies, or even family Finance Office. Wealth management from trusts and third-party agency wild eat natural mixed private banks issued "regulatory arbitrage" inequality. Bain released the 2011 China Merchants Bank private wealth report reveals this trend: the wealth manager is notChoice, accompanied by a brokerage premium of personal financial services and the development of third-party financial institution, select other wealth management customers has increased, totaling close to 10%. At the same time, despite the deficiencies due to policy restrictions, client base and other reasons, service advantages of foreign private banks have not fully reflected, but their "investment in overseas assets, productsPrimary funding bodies in the competitiveness of pricing power is the lack of ". Heads of such analysis, "into different institutions, make the market more competitive. "In General, the high-end customers there are three main ways of marketing, marketing is a private customer, is a word of mouth marketing, then a is the outreach channels of marketing, such as some car clubs, such as co-marketing. Among them,Marketing to existing customers is considered to be "put in less, work faster" way to conduct cases, according to the Jing Wang introduced, China Merchants Bank 90% of the private line customer derived from sunflower, diamond cards of bank customers to upgrade, "these customers in the Bank and no more than $ 10 million worth of assets, are operated by internal promotion. "Construction Bank in 2011Wealth report also pointed out that the average 2.5 private bank private banking customers; danjia customer wallet share in the management of a bank does not exceed 20%. "Private line to strive for greater wallet share. "Wei Chunqi said. This is just getting started for small and medium-sized banks, no doubt was a "fierce battle" offense and are vulnerable. The head said, "the best way whenSo are their own customers upgrade, but this applies to strong retail Foundation is Bank. "Marketing to new customers even more difficult," or other private line customer or other private line customers who were unable to get their private line service and product requirements are higher, marketing costs and difficulties are greater. "And now for all furniture lines, customer loyaltyDegrees are not high, and later with more possibilities. 2011 McKinsey survey of personal financial services of discovery, for a better customer service experience and the pursuit of more professional financial advice, customers are evolving from traditional loss of large State-owned commercial banks, mass affluent customers and more especially in high-end customers. Homogeneity of the homogeneity constraints of private line services,Customers have returned to its basic function of commercial banking, settlement, savings, and the medium of Exchange. "Private line customer bargaining power modes has three stages, the first stage is to provide free services to gather popularity; the second stage is to provide a service, for a small fee; and the third stage is to provide service, customer recognition tera gold, then charge excess service fee. "The above person in mindSaid. Therefore tera power leveling, private negotiation provided that the customer satisfaction with the services and products. However, the pattern of limited domestic industries are regulated tera gold, private banking "designed" products are only limited to traditional money market, bond market in commercial banks and the foreign exchange market and other related fields, and characteristics of a private bank high yield investment products will still have to use trusts, securities and PE ""Institutions, role of private bank acts as an agent only. Deloitte recently in the 2012 China banking industry trends and prospects pointed out that private business is the commercial banks competing for strategic emerging markets. But banks in the private bank's market position is not very different from, the lack of differentiation. Their VIP retail banking services network and the privateThere is no clear distinction between the products and services provided by the Bank. "Either product to sell, or simple transplantation of retail banking products, products are almost all banks, it is difficult to meet the investment needs of high net worth individuals. "A private line Customer Manager replied bluntly told reporters. BCG's analysis also shows famous consulting companies, profit levels of wealth management institutions continue to beTo the extrusion of a number of factors, which include two points, a greater distribution of customer assets to lower-risk products, many assets still exists in the form of cash, gold and the Government bond; the other is the value of the asset management customer questions. Non-financial service is the same. China Construction Bank, the report pointed out that customers generally feel that the various institutions providingIs not very different from non-financial value added services. 38% per cent of respondents considered that the private bank "too many similar projects, should actively develop new projects", 34% per cent of respondents think it should be "enhanced services". This leads to private efforts to give private line services to high net worth clients, may not have been back to the appropriate high value, and more high net worth customers, this is more obvious. On the CITIC BankIn the report showed that investable assets of more than $ 100 million of ultra high net worth population on commercial bank's private banking products and services provided by the lack of dependence. Head above to its understanding of a client, for example, which employs 15~16 a team of professionals to help them manage assets of 20~30 billion, including foreign investment, stock investment, and he justPrivate line could put a $ 10 million, as the settlement fund, and as a means of obtaining bank provides trading advice and information. "Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta this is very obvious. "The responsible person said," it causes the customer to a changes in the mode of cooperation of private lines, is that customers have returned to the role of private basic functions of commercial banks was settled, Savings, and the medium of Exchange. "" Is the start off this situation, however, wealth management is a process. "Jing Wang," says customer contact channels and consult a lot, compared to private lines until the final product trust. "However, this could be a long process of tracking business, banks, for example, to provide a recommendation, after customer adoptionTurned to other banks or institutions to buy product, configuration, but in the end only to find that the timing of the increase or decrease in assets is not, adjust the direction of errors, and so on. "Bank of single products or services are of the same quality, the most important thing is the combination of the overall value provided to customers after, customers will eventually be felt. "Jing Wang," says banks need long-term investment in resources and professionalTo see results. �� Others:

