
tera gold because 2011 medicine units began to fall - UMY

129773822137343750_153Love each other on Twitter exposes the departure time, you I Lennon Lennon. When breaking up, mutually exclusive, break each other. Recently, in the capital of the rivers and lakes, love hate and re-interpretation. Yesterday morning, the former business partner, calmly Investment Fund Manager Jiang g c Twitter exposes the departure, and "recommended that customers consider the medical fund redemption with ease"; calmly Lv Jun, Chairman of investment inAfter an hour to respond to: "fund managers poor performanceLaw to reconcile, I now leave the easy company, customers consider the recommendations prepared medical fund redemption, redemption if they so wish, I will still continue to take responsibility for your investment advisor, does not collect any fees.  "A stone to lift thousands of waves. After an hour, another protagonist in the microblogging Lv Jun responded. Lv Jun said, "we only in the eyes of the customer's net worth growth, FundManagers of underperforming, reduces the investment permission, get some rest thinking, individual companies are better. Our medical research group Director, new health care fund managers had already took control. Let us wish him can bring calm medical fund new atmosphere! "Since then, the microblog content for Lv Jun, Jiang g c across the empty dialog. "If the performance, gamedge.VanNess his earlyThe resignation, but I also wish companies with ease, and hope that the successful development of the company, private living space, after all, are not more needed, determine performance in addition to personal, corporate governance, leadership characteristics, and so on are equally important. "Pharmaceutical stocks fall triggered numerous contradictions of the gold stock of the reporter learned that, Jiang Guang strategy in Guangdong South China UniversityBiopharmaceutical post-doctoral, Dr Sun Yat-sen University organic natural medicines.  From January 2003 to May 2007, the Guangzhou Bai ji, General Manager of health management from January 2008 to March 2009, served as KGI securities pharmaceuticals analyst from March 2009 to April 2010, Ren Yuan securities head of greater China pharmaceutical industry. GingerWide strategy in April 2010 to join as a partner with ease, then issued the medical industry Fund 1, the net value of the Fund at the end of that year over 46% tera gold, is amazing.  Then more than public placement Fund issued the medical industry also funds, Jiang Ceng laugh, which only medical fund to buy, look at the experience of fund managers will be able to judge. After Jiang g c join calmly, bid management systemProduct is 8, 4 of which only products and Lv Jun shared management. However, because 2011 medicine units began to fall, leading to industry funds and fund management companies a lot of pressure. The gold stock reporter notes that as at November 30, 2010 the medical profession will fund phase 1 unit $ 1.5544 NET, net annual increase in 50%, and at 2011, December 30, the net value of the Fund Unit is only $ 1.054.  Other medical industry funds into its massive losses.  Healthcare industry Fund step by the Communists, which is also reflected in the Lv Jun "fund managers poor performance" in speech. However, calmly medical fund performance, market participants said that "pure medical industryProducts, medical fund is not a bad performance with ease last year ".  Market participants say, Twitter content, leaving the core reason for the departure of ginger is the contradiction between people. Distribution draft line Lv Jun Jiang g c's departure, one of the stories protagonist Lv Jun said in an interview with the reporter of the gold stock, "separation of ginger is due to strengthening risk controlSystem, due to the strengthening of wind control, fund managers were greatly affected by permissions, so only ginger and leave a few words. "Lv Jun said, as head of the investment company with ease, must be responsible for the performance of all products. Due to poor Fund Manager performance continuously, and deployment of new health care Fund Manager 3 weeks ago took office, together with the former Fund Manager management related products. But the FundManagers that this reduces its investment privileges, made separation decision.  He is deeply regrettable. Jiang g c for leaving the line, published microblogging client Jiang g c said, "in addition to investment philosophy is not, there are many other reasons for leaving the company, now is not easy to say, do not want to say that, over time will be exposed. "Jiang g c accepted the goldReporters said in an interview with the securities, the departure, the core problem is the contradiction between people. "I stated very clearly in the microblogging, ' due to investment concepts, and there is a huge difference in the conduct of life cannot be reconciled ' will leave. "Jiang g c, private quiet company is Lv Jun, Zheng Ying hosted" fuqilaopodian "and" fuqilaopodian "Major limitation is "arbitrary", and "in the platform, it is difficult to link performance, many investments limited".  He said such a platform, risk control, are null and void. Distribution draft bear divorce is normal for "micro-Bo Jiang g c gamedge.VanNess across an empty names" events tera gold, comment on the industry in the form of Tweets: @ ChinaYan-Andy: "a friendship with, not words I say," yet in this way is unwise. If to customer concerns, there are smarter ways.  Openness is not the most appropriate way of contradiction. Cheung @ domain: as a peer, Jiang Bo should be supported, regardless of the character and professional ability are first class. Pharmaceutical industry long-term bullish short term fluctuations are inevitable. GingerBo leaving must have had reasons other than performance.  @ Xiong Tingting in the journey (money week reporter): just speak to Jiang Bo, Jiang Bo is definitely not digging customers, but taking into account the replacement of fund managers, share redemption and net volatility may be thrown, holders of interests in the end. @ Mike j77: Finally, this day seemed to have expected that. Because the original knotWas a mistake. Ginger medicine speaks clearly, but there is no valuation of Bull and bear markets experienced Lui ideal team building experts eventually became listed companies, but out of the character sense and investing ideas, performance highlights.  But don't make a fuss, bear divorce is normal tera power leveling, this is the relentless marketing. @ Electro.rock.mix _RUC_ Fund activism: Sun private equity really need to rely onStrength of the local. Jiang g c, and reflects the internal competition between the people, good for the industry and customers, reflection of the authenticity of the competition in the industry.  Only the fittest rules the rules in this area, customer's money will only flow for a long time, or quickly fading. @ Nong Yu Chen (Shennong investment Yu Chen): offering funds directly to dig the little known for a couponBusiness analysts do fund managers directly, but often hear private brokerage analysts both research and head of the fund managers, this would a fish to eat, practice, does not seem desirable. Liu Bei dredged When Zhuge Liang's armies, cannot let Mr Zhuge and furious fuck guy do it. Others:

