
tera gold background upgrade front office" development strategy - WZH

129773828093125000_19Suning appliance that $ 1.17 billion cumulative dividends in recent three years NetEase tech news on March 27, suning published notice dividends, said the recent three-year cumulative cash dividend of $ 1.17 billion. Notice in part as follows: 1, the company's most recent three year cash dividend: last three years cumulative cash dividend 117,210. $ 890,000. 2, the undistributed profits of the company using the company's undistributed profits retainedDepartment for business development. Specific uses include: (1) main business cash flow problems in recent years, maintained a chain of fast and stable development of the company, especially since 2010, chain company accelerate the development process, while improving the layout of the primary and secondary market shopping district at the same time, increase the intensity of San、siji market development. From 2008 to 2011, the company newly openedAbout 1200 stores chain. As the chain continues to expand and improve the Terminal sales and service capabilities to further enhance, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011-September, companies operating income of 49.897 billion yuan, respectively tera gold, $ 58.3 billion, $ 75.505 billion and $. Companies alsoAttention to the optimization of the mode of cooperation with suppliers tera gold, implementing simple PIN poor margin of profit model gradually optimize supply chain management. In recent years, the company increased funding support for the vendor sales season, expand custom, underwriting, purchase OEM products accounted for more than, effectively increases the level of gross profit of the company. 2011 years ago compared to the third quarter consolidated gross margin level 2001.25% 8 years. (2) constructing development platform company chain owned properties mainly to rental stores, with the chain size continues to expand, rental shortage looming in the development of, on the one hand, limited by hardware and software conditions of rental property, is detrimental to the company deepen implementation of the standard chain while leasing stores in the subsequent operation's stability as well as toRenewal rent when there is a certain amount of uncertainty. In view of this, and since 2005 has been added since the acquisition of the company, as well as building their own development in two ways. Since 2008, the chain development planning in company with market conditions and the company, speed up the acquisition of own property platform. Three quarters of 2008 tera power leveling, the company purchased a total of 26 properties in chains,Complete 1 built construction of shop projects with a total investment of approximately $ 3.9 billion. (3) back-end platform of the company always adhere to the "front-led background, background upgrade front office" development strategy, in addition to vigorously promoting the construction of front chain network, constantly improve the construction of logistics platform, information such as the background. As of third quarter of 2011, the company using its own funds, as well asRaise money into 6 logistics base, and another 12 logistics base under construction, basic implementing location 11; always pay attention to construction of information system of the company, 2008-2010 company research and development investment totaling about $ 217 million, at present, the company has been formed to consumers, suppliers, employees of three system management and serviceForce. Construction of logistics information platform, and strong support of the company chain store network expansion, while also being developed for the company's Internet sales business provides a strong guarantee. Others:

