
tera gold orBoth sides are. If the Bank has the right - ZSV

129773932957968750_166Huitong's network, March 27-"reconciliation day" VS "due date" some people think that banking product after the product expiration date is indicated on the product after the Bank's investment operations funds to the account, but it's not. Due date means the product expire, stop running, and banks to "account" will return principal investors and investment income to investors accountHouseholds, this will be slightly delayed. "Raise" VS "interest period" "raise" and "period" is differentiated, value date today raised some time. If a grab and are not afraid of the product in a short time, investors can be raised during the last few days to buy financial products, which can also receive several days of current interest. "Expected return" VS"Real return" Bank in the publicity referred to income is expected, that is in fact income may be higher than expected earnings may be lower than expected tera power leveling, due to the ever-changing in the financial markets, ultimately, benefits are likely to expect to be biased, and it is to be noted that many of the banks mentioned is yield tera gold, due to some actual operation period of no more than a yearOr 6 months or 3 months, income is more than a year for the period is of course of lower income. "Early redemption right" VS "right of early termination," "early redemption right" generally refers to the customer has the right. When earnings meet expectations in advance of the product, some conservative customers trying to lock gains or much-needed money, will use this right to temporarily carry. Current BankDesign of investment behavior of certain early termination "penalties" clauses. If early redemption charge and some capital preservation funds are not guaranteed, such as financial products. "Early termination rights" does not necessarily mean the customer rights. Product specifications mentioned on "right of early termination" tera gold, who must see this right is given by the customer: are banks or individual investors, orBoth sides are. If the Bank has the right, then investors are unable to exercise, and banks when the unilateral exercise, investors cannot be refused. ����Now, banks using the right to terminate the products, product returns are basically not very ideal, banks in order to prevent the income continued to decline, only had to start. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

