
tera gold there are 9 products are subscription-only. Bond private placement issue of boom - AKQ

129784668291147500_574Bond private placement offering a sustained Fixed income products are not only public-fund hot hands, also became a private Denver Nuggets. According to private line network data, 37 bond since private equity funds to set up this year, another 9 were raised. Specifically, January 19 bond private establishment, is the established bond private placement of up to a month, but mainly Swiss of 12 State investment trust products--Save the Swiss, 3rd, 14th; it is worth mentioning that, State investment trust has since August last year, issued a total of 16 bond of trust product tera power leveling, total size of about 2.4 billion, February 7 bond private placement products was established March 9 April had been set up there are 2 products, there are 9 products are subscription-only. Bond private placement issue of boom, the industryThink there are several reasons, a bond issue of private equity and equity private placements in different tera gold, do not need to resolve the issues of securities investment account, relative low cost of issue; second bond product stability in equity, interest income every year. In addition, from the issue tera gold, many bond private placement size can reach 4 to about $ 500 million, much more than the stock classProduct. This reporter has learned, Zhejiang private company is working on plans to issue bonds, private equity, and plans to invest in high-yield debt. The private company staff revealed that they are optimistic about the domestic high-yield debt market, that high-yield debt market in the future will have considerable benefits in return, return is expected to be between in-10%, above the existing bonds of private incomeRate. Others:

