
tera power leveling us elite - SQP

129779408058125000_1214:30 broadcasts: 14:32, index of 2262.79 points, up 10.63, or 0.47%, with a total turnover of 55,962,029,859 Yuan.  Shenzhen Stock Exchange Chengzhi 9410.26, down-7.97,-0.08%-, with a total turnover of 6,393,058,933 Yuan. Stocks, ShanghaiTop 5 per cent to hagaoke, are better than electronics, sunny accommodation, Zhejiang Dong il, us elite, and rose 10.07%,10.04%,10.03%,10%,9.99%, respectively; decrease in top 5 for the Longsheng, Shandong shares, media of the Yangtze River, is new too, millions of Crystal optical,, respectively -10.03%,-10%,-10%, -9.96% tera power leveling,-9.82%. Top 5 per cent for logistics in the Bohai Sea in Shenzhen, Shandong molong, Haite tera gold, Po Mo shares sea stock, and rose 10.08%,10.01%,10%,10%,9.99%, respectively; 5 days before the decline followed, Super technology, Huiyuan communications, sea shares, like eco technology and, respectivelyFor -10.02%,-10.02%,-10.02%,-10.01% tera gold,-10%. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

