
tera gold most importantly - ASC

129779318769375000_45Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 days to April 1, was held in Boao, Hainan, the meeting to "Asia in a changing world: towards a healthy and sustainable development" as the theme. Dongfangcaifuwang on the forum for the whole live. Bao Yujun, President of the Federation of private enterprises in China on April 3 in "private finance and the opening up of the banking industry" Forum said,Comply with the conditions of small loan companies can be transformed into village banks, taking into account the views of a microfinance company, not to unilaterally establish access conditions. Following is a text record: question: I would like to ask you some questions, first of all, may I ask the President of the. Just now you talked about microfinance banking company into towns and villages, I have heard a saying, micro-credit companies are doing wellCan banks go into towns and villages tera power leveling, but the standard policy is too harsh, resulting in town and village banking microfinance companies into particularly difficult. To the question what do you think? Second, the Wenzhou finance pilot thing, I wanted to give the Ma Governor, together with the President, Mr LAU answered this question because Wenzhou financial pilot pilot is the first national financial, but yesterday I heard aTold me that he felt that this thing can no longer be implemented nationwide, he first pilot of Wenzhou financial things can result in large amounts of foreign capital in private finance.����He felt that the model cannot be implemented nationwide, but also cannot be seen as China's financial reform, so a talk with three points. Bao Yujun: your question a lot tera gold, there are three,One is to comply with the conditions of small loan companies can be transformed into village banks. I, like you, after you see the files, is pleased that on the one hand, this is my idea for about three years. There are now more than more than 5,000 small loans companies, conditional, and tera gold, most importantly, can only lend capital put up is gone. In fact a microfinance company inventions,Wholesale money it can from the banks lending again, already has this feature. Question now is what are the conditions on that basis, a look very happy at the beginning, then a very depressed, what are the conditions? This condition who has the final say? I am waiting for details of the next, and just like you. So what do I want to meet the conditions, do not separate in positions on the one hand, you want to listen toListen to the views of a microfinance company, interactive, I and you as concerned with this issue. Above text as Ben finish, without the guests I verified. Others:

