
swtor gold containment of the Monkey has also gone - DIE

129771810016343560_70Area civilian police "design" away small monkey body monkey only bulk to-South Island evening reporter Meng Jian in Sanya mountain sea big hotel Qian, a only small monkey foraging Shi is a car taxi hit died, then taxi left site, but mountain Shang dozens of only monkey see small monkey is hit died will Mountain will its surrounding live, does not let others near body half step, while also on other taxi for attack. March 23rd, guests call our hotline 88,882,323 to reporters reflect on this matter. Ocean under the Public Security Bureau in Sanya city Tin Police station after police, "designed" little monkey's body away, next to the hotel. Sanya Forestry Bureau of wild animal and plant protection station Lin Guisheng said monkeys is a national-level protected animal, intentional injury to legal sanctions。 Witnesses: dozens of monkeys to be crappy little monkeys "revenge" according to witnesses describe, 23rd at about 11 o'clock in the morning, when a taxi heading to shanhaitian hotel, perhaps because road slippery on rainy days, coupled with no brakes car taxi speed too fast, the hotel not far away, in front of a smaller monkeys killed, then a taxi to leave the scene. "MountainDozens of macaque seen on small monkeys were killed, have washed down from the mountains, around the small monkeys body. "Mr CHEUNG told reporters that when the hotel staff would like to the front is a small monkey's body when subjected to attacks of adult rhesus monkeys, monkeys find the same style of a taxi at the same time, will jump to the beat on the windshield of the car. "Due to the containment of the monkey, hotelsVehicles could not go on. "Hotel staff: civilian police" design "rhesus monkey body away reporters immediately after receiving the materials arrived at the Sanya shanhaitian hotel, little monkey's body has been processed, containment of the Monkey has also gone diablo 3 power leveling, but security is still holding a plastic stick in front of the hotel to prevent monkeys once again returned to the hotel in front of" trouble ". According to the hotel staff Wang introduced, taxiDrivers are small monkeys hit died and left the scene, dozens of monkey upon seeing you all piledin small monkey's body around, and don't let others close to. "The body is adult monkeys around the small monkeys, who want to get close to the body to be attacked. "Wang told reporters, once the front is likely to be dozens of macaque scratched, as the hotel understand the habits of rhesus monkeys on the Hill, would not allowVisitors or passers-by near the hotel. "No one dares to deal with the small monkey's body, and out of the vehicle at the hotel failed, to area police station hotel reflects this. "Wang said, after police arrived at the scene according to the situation, first used on both sides of the body of the car to two small monkeys, blocking the view of the other monkeys, then quickly took the little monkey's body. "When a police car driving, Monkey body not found small monkeys, also tried to chase away a small monkey's police car. "Wang said. Police: small monkeys body has been referred to the hotel in Sanya City Public Security Bureau handling cases of ocean Tin Police station under police briefing, inside of days hotel is located in the East China Sea of mountains, facing the South China Sea, back portrait of luhuitou, mountains. Deer Mountain living with hundreds of monkeys, belonging to the monkey protection area. HotelMonkey food often to eat, to the tourists and hotel employees hurt them, so often monkeys down the food. When police arrived at the scene, little monkey taxi had left the scene of the killing, cannot find the taxi for a monitor issue. "Killing of monkeys are young, estimated that no two pounds of weight, due to lots of monkeys around the body, the hotel staff not the front handle。 "Police told reporters. Fear of monkeys to anger scratch man and monkey in the middle of the road as soon as possible in order to be "evacuated" police car is in the way of small monkeys from the monkey's eyes swtor gold, and then quickly closed body, body then to the hotel. Wildlife: monkeys is a national-level impact, the protection against small animals monkeys monkeys gathered in front of the hotel after his death, reporterForestry Bureau of wild animal and plant protection station Lin Guisheng in Sanya city. "Monkey and human primates, there are too many similarities. "Lin Guisheng explains that small monkey hit by a car's death led to a monkey sad and angry, group rhesus monkey will try to take the body away, and visitors must not be close to the people, or they might be subjected to monkey attacks. "Monkeys belong to the national levelProtection of animals, if someone deliberately hurting them will be subject to legal sanctions. "Lin Guisheng, wild animal and plant protection station in recent consultations with shanhaitian hotel, in front of the hotel set up a warning, reminded residents and tourists not to attack monkeys. Lin Guisheng through this appeal tera gold, in the hope that members of the public to join action to protect animals, we participate in action together, don't hurtHarmful animals, while for monkeys do not intimidate or attack, the harmonious relationship between wildlife and humans. Others:

