
they are at a specific point SWTOR Credits they are at a specific point - FTGA

129834195796827500_175This special commentator Liu Zhiquan heroes are mortal, they are at a specific point, driven by inner morality and responsibility, do you think should be done, regardless of the honor or money. This year May be warm. Flash can be seen everywhere in human nature. Simple lists, jiamusi save students under teacher Zhang Lili; Qingzhou officer Xing Shen to save the drowning childChildren's heroic sacrifice; minxian County 15-year-old girl Liang Chunxia Flash flood rescue companion; also, accident seriously injured drivers Roderick Woo, Zhejiang Expressway and then stopping to rescue the passengers. We used to lament human hearts are not what they were in the old days., the moral degeneration of the world is getting worse day by day., we were little Yuet Yuet angry pedestrians in the event of indifference, but this May warm the main flow, let us see the brilliance of human nature, to pick up onSocial and moral confidence. Heroes are ordinary people, in the face of sudden disaster, they made a selection of almost instinct, it is this instinctive choice, reflecting the depths of human nature better. Roderick b Woo, for instance, his move has shocked a lot of people. Roderick b Woo's feat Diablo 3 power leveling, and like most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili from to adhere to their responsibilities and a strong sense of morality�� ����This is the most moving of the human spark. May shine, sparkle constitute the soul of the more ordinary people. They use a variety of spontaneous mourning, such as tide of praise TERA Gold, concern for families of the heroes and love donation, expressing respect for heroes, expression of social morality, also calls for better human nature and expectations. ����Heroes are no longer alone. However, BritishMale behind him and gave us another. Recently, said Roderick Woo families through the media, do not accept outside contributions in any form, will support themselves, take care of their families and themselves. They expressed their understanding of the family feat: Heroes are mortal, they are at a specific point, driven by inner morality and responsibility, do you think should be done, and honorsOr money or not. Also yesterday, West put Park in Tianjin, a middle-aged man who rescued two drowning woman, when visitors on the occasion of two women no thanks to express anger, lives while mobile phones flooding damage, just simple smile, quietly. The unsung heroes, the interpretation is the same kind of dedication: the rescue is its own thing, it helps your perfect morality, By contrast, thank praises it's nothing why mention it. They are actually civilian heroes. This simple concept of devotion and morality, in 560, used to be the main theme of the times. Today, only to be forgotten by many people. ����Some people enjoy a high official with a high salary SWTOR Credits, but his dedication is proud and greedy to obtain, by contrast, pale. This MayWe harvest and confidence. We believe that, although the community is not perfect, however, ordinary people, brilliance of human nature never gloomy. And we, like heroes, alas for the landslide of social morality, rather than acting on it, perfecting themselves together to build beautiful landscapes of the Earth. Related report today A03, A04 () Others:

