
05-24 TERA Power Leveling 05-24 - DPQX

129823520747656250_465Managing enterprise must adhere to the basic principles of Shouldering the national prosperity and strength of Chinese enterprises and the important task of revitalizing the national economy, faces tough competition. National enterprises to increasingly fierce competition in the international market to take off, in order to manage enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the five principles, shall adhere to the principle of unity of purpose, and adhere to the principle of public interests first; adhere to management and science and technology is the first productionPrinciples adhere to the enterprise benefit priority principles uphold principles maximize your employees the ability to work and income levels. Adhere to the principle of unity of purpose. Alignment refers to the target without differences, adhere to the principle of unity of purpose that enterprise development goals must be consistent with national development objectives, staff development goals must be consistent with the development goals, different organizations and departments within the enterprise, andTargets must be consistent with corporate goals at different levels. There's a subject worth thinking brain twists said, two carts together that is equal in strength, they ran out of strength but would not yield. Answer is easy to guess, because they are in the opposite direction. This illustrates a simple truth, regardless of what organization, only the unity of purpose in order to obtain greater progress can beA success, otherwise would have stopped at the same place Diablo 3 CD-KEY, even going backwards. Adhere to the principle of public interests first. Public is public, the public interest is the interests of the community. Public interest not only work closely with national Governments, enterprises are closely related. First principle refers to the enterprises of the public interest when dealing with the relations of interests, must have the concept of the public interest, communityInterest in the first place. Have heard many such things in the news, productive enterprises not to "waste" handling, resulting in contaminated drinking water, endangering people's lives. Firms have been investigated and exposed, could not continue to produce this is a loss, due to damage to the public interest as a result of the more intangible losses. Therefore, enterprise management to put the public interest in the first place,Cannot come at the expense of the public interest at any time to gain a business advantage. Adhere to principles of management and science and technology is the first productivity. Productivity is the ability of people to change nature, members of the productivity of enterprises is the enterprise's ability to improve the survival and development of enterprises. Management and science and technology is the first productivity refers to the enterprise business productivity in all of the content,Management and science and technology is the most fundamental and most important productivity. Management is the basis for the survival of the enterprise, science and technology are core elements of the development of enterprises. In the past era of backward productive forces of the market, the market economy is not very developed, resources, luck, run businesses may profit in today's increasingly competitive strength in the age, companies must improve their products andService of the technical content, and improve overall management level in order to achieve maximum profits. Stick enterprises benefit priority principle. Effect and benefit is income, efficiency is the essence of enterprise on the pursuit and realization of the economic benefits. Efficiency refers to the principle of priority in the internal management of enterprises, evaluation of performance is the basic standard of efficiency TERA Power Leveling, efficiency is the key business priorities. Benefits-EnterpriseLife, efficiency is the power of enterprise development, benefit priority principles are basic configuration requirements of the market economy, economic organization is for profit-making purposes of the essential requirements. In practice, however, has committed a number of enterprise management for several reasons, "roots" big mistake, cause a reduction in benefits, Enterprise deaths. So the enterprise must have economic and rational characteristics of priority examinationTaking into account are able to profit, is to maximize profits. Stick to maximize your employees the ability to work and the principle of income levels. Continually improve their work ability and level of income principle refers to enterprises through publicity and education to guide employees constantly improve their own ability to work up to, so as to increase their levels of income principle. Relationship between enterprises and employees are not only aEmployment is employment relations, is also a partnership, because the staff is enterprise's employees, to get the certain revenue by working with companies, enterprises are the employees of the enterprise, as long as through the ongoing efforts of staff in order to enable enterprises to make more profit, employees need to be met. Summing up the above, enterprises should adhere to the principle of unity of purpose, adhere to the principle of public interests first, adhere to the management levelAnd the principles of science and technology is the primary productive force of the enterprise, adhering to the enterprise benefit priority principle, adhere to maximize your employees the ability to work and the principle of income levels, in order to maintain rapid and harmonious development. The five basic principles is at the root of the survival and development of enterprises, their interpenetration, interdependence and indivisibility, constitute an organic whole, for modern enterprise management in China have deepSignificance and practical significance. 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