
2012 Fund net view comments Wuhan plastics Diablo 3 CD-KEY 2012 Fund net view comments Wuhan plast

129833961197296250_14June 5 and hot money private internal Exchange rumored secret mobile phone free www.cnfol.com-June 05, 2012 Fund net view comments Wuhan plastics: restructuring there will be major progress in Westlands bio: a two year old boy infected with bird flu in Hong Kong shares new friends: big unitEast and executives continue to outperform Anhui water resources: the national General Headquarters for flood prevention: does not rule out of river basin flood pass of Mount Emei: ticket prices will increase profitability crossing along the clean soft thick 13-14 years: January-May, the main raw material wood pulp prices rise slightly Zhuzhou smelter group: shareholder intends to integrate digital video assets: contract with Harbin radio and TV media group "City intellectualCard payment system "project, Agency amounted to $ 120 million of Liyuan iron and aluminium industry: capacity will increase Dr 50% Peng: Internet revenue of $ 3.2 billion this year alone: Health Department efforts to promote Chinese medicine shunxin agriculture in Gansu Province:" niulanshan "white wine over red star er Guo TOU Hong Bo shares: 14th European Football Championships will be held on June 8, 2012-71st in Poland and the Ukraine xiangxue pharmaceutical: clear drink listed ST golden flowers on: Friday may zhaimao jinli technology: acquisition of Yu ming Han photoelectric Apple Iphone5 danchuan sea heavy industry: capacity expansion plans and plan British agriculture in China: eggs sitting "rocket" 1 month up first energy-saving 57%: ~Bidding through bus, things are much better in the second half: May sales exceeded expectations China satellite: Shenzhou Nineth fastest spacecraft will be launched in June, weixing: second quarter trends in order to better Kam Fu of new material: reported sharp increases in 2012 desay batteries: batteries and energy storage battery become the priority areas referred to in the guide group software: issue-orientedFinancial health, lay the Foundation for long-term development mailyard: Treasury bond futures grant Wan Chang science and technology: at present, the main product market situation remains good food: pork prices gross margin will rebound this year China will start in due time the international pilot network messages according to the Chinese Government, China will start outside the enterprise to issue RMB stock in due time the pilot study allowed charactersConditions of the international financial organizations, foreign currency held by the monetary authorities and financial institutions to invest in China's financial market, moderate speed up market opening price of eggs fierce Rocket egg prices or reasonably stable for a sudden rise in the price of eggs, so that someone exclaim eggs became "rockets eggs". According to industry analyst, high prices of eggs last May andOctober was flat, not too high. For poultry farmers, this is to make up for the losses of the previous period. Insiders even believe that, "in fact, the current of egg prices are reasonable. "The bird flu in Hong Kong boy was in serious condition had contacted 80 contacts are June 2-confirmed infected with H5N1 avian influenza in Hong Kong two years old boy, still in majiaStrong isolation hospital infectious diseases treatment in serious condition. Contact the Centre for health protection in Hong Kong continues to have contact with the boy who TERA CD-key, in addition to the boys ' parents, also boys, Mong Kok days attending a clinic, had to take an ambulance and Caritas health care investigation, has been contacted by about 80 people TERA Power Leveling, two Caritas Medical symptoms of respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngeal secretion samples for H5 was overcastResponses Diablo 3 CD-KEY, investigations continue. Others:

