
everyone is waiting. At the same time Diablo 3 power leveling everyone is waiting. At the same tim

129829462655348750_114Hunan TV promote the "summer offensive" will launch ten new shows NetEase entertainment on May 31 May 2012, most of Hunan TV's Office almost every night lights that night. Amid rumours rumours that ratings decline in the first half, mango innovation website every move watched. This reporter recently learned from the Hunan TV insiders, but has set June under Wang Zhi Wen (click to see Wang Zhi Wen, film and televisionThe 40 people, and the notice of the celadon reached Wang Zhi Wen Zhang Guoli Taiwan drama) commercial war drama starring the Celadon, rescue program outside of the TV series, mango will also have one in the near future heavy launch 10, battle of Hunan TV hit list first "summer offensive. "Industry insiders told a press conference, on May 11, Hunan TV officially launched a new round ofNew, blockbuster introduced "mango-made the first", and by encouraging the mango production team set up a Studio, after revision in trying to build a series of innovative programs. It is understood that innovation starts, Hunan TV respond positively to all the production team and a full range of market research and program innovation, in the space of a month of time, innovative program Accreditation Committee has received 16More than 0 more programme programme, Star challenge in which grass-roots interaction challenges, interactive, real combat competitive athletic activities, events, music, dance, and emotional topic dating type has dabbled in these programmes, creative wisdom of the mango team blowout broke out again. Innovation programme after the concentration, Hunan TV meets senior group retreat, seminar, these innovative solutions through the night, applause and debate during the meeting withoutBroken. After rigorous review and investigation, 10 programmes programmes stand out from 160 competitors, to sample the recording stage. Exclusive industry also revealed that entering "grand final" 10 creative programs, one-time collective on Hunan TV screens in the near future, to revision of the strong offensive by the shock wave started mango curtain, program to new heights. On the new programContent, reporters learned that this 10 innovation program types, including workplace such relief programs, science programs, interactive programs and music star challenge athletic programs. And audiences familiar with the surgeon of the happy boys, the Crysis team of the year concert, the encyclopedia says of Li Junyu team, Liao Ke of the Lantern Festival of joy will team with innovative programs inWai. Most striking is that, these 10 innovation program starting Monday to Saturday the Prime. In addition, brand of Hunan TV programmes such as the US dating, programs such as the happy base camp, the make progress every day, and "mango-made the first" 10 show together form the Hunan TV and bathroom brand new column Diablo 3 power leveling, this will also make newHunan TV, is currently the brand column the most provincial satellite TV channels. Hunan TV's the new website could reverse the current TV program down situation, back to the first champion of provincial satellite TV Diablo 3 Gold, everyone is waiting. At the same time, industry revision in this battle as a double physical and mental competition, "the future of TV, personalities, resources will beImportant, and each way is bound to have ups and downs loop Diablo 3 gold, every travel need to go all out, and Hunan TV has taken the lead with, in a corner along the way, we look forward to it's wonderful. �� Others:

