
000 people every day user experience.  At present Diablo 3 Gold 000 people every day user experien

129833960959483750_45Mobile started 4G network in Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province experience (photo from @ Zhejiang, China Mobile official microblog) Sina tech news on June 5 news this morning, started 4G network in Hangzhou City Zhejiang mobile today experience, available to loan to mobile business Hall of Hangzhou 4G Terminal experience. Zhejiang mobile official microblog Twitter today, "said on June 5,Move in Hangzhou, Zhejiang starts "4G City experience" activity Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Hangzhou City public will become the first mobile 4G network of "City experiences" users, yuantong Hall borrowed 4G terminals, flow of experience during the first three months free of charge monthly fee, easily into the 4G era of the wireless high speed Internet access. "Since the beginning of April opened Hangzhou B1 bus tSince the D-LTE network, B1 buses accepted about 10,000 people every day user experience.  At present TERA CD-key, the increasing coverage of TD-LTE in Hangzhou Diablo 3 Gold, Zhejiang mobile in the Wulin business district, along the lakeside shopping district as well as the yellow Dragon commercial circle increases more hotels, tea house, trading enterprises and individual home free experience points. It is understood that the present Hangzhou 4G base station opened nearly 600A network covering the main urban area of 170 square kilometers. By the end of this year, construction 4G base station 2000, achieving full coverage of eight city of Hangzhou. (Show beauty) Others:

