
local governments for two yearsTo fully open to public funding SWTOR Credits local governments fo

129823520821562500_622Banking reproduction of month-end effects of short-term rebound in yields dip This week SWTOR Credits, the Bank raised short-term financing products experienced a reduction rate of issuance, proceeds of "double down" after, "dip to pick up" sign. Bank Beijing branch sales product in Nanjing, for example, 35-day financial products expected return rate is 4.9% per cent, 63-day financial products expected return rate is 4.9% per cent and 91-day financial productsEarnings rate of 5.1% per cent, compared to a certain improvement in yields. In addition, the Bank of China has recently also raised the "tip-day scheme" scroll-type financial products expected annual rate of return, raised from 2.1% per cent. 18th after the Central Bank again lowered Reserve Bank expected yield short-term financial products down to the yearLow, but with the traditional "end effect" approaches, the rows are sold and to be launched this week by yield financial products are "bottom of recovery". Southwest University of finance trust and the Institute of financial management on the findings of the financial products market in Chengdu area this week (May 22), release significant increase in the number of banking products, yields also fell sharply in last week's basePick-up on the Foundation. Data show that in selling financial products in Chengdu this week a total of 136, last week increased by 38, at 38.78%. Among them, RMB 90, foreign currency products 46 per cent respectively and 50%. In terms of yield, its average annual rate of return of the product is 4.93%, aBy 0.14% last week SWTOR CD-key, and reach the average level of early stage products. "Despite the current financial products yields rebounded, but, compared to the same period last year, banking income remains the overall decline, its direct nature reserve-ratio is lower, easing of Bank funding pressures. "A Bank Financial Analysis Manager in Beijing believe that currently the real economyWeak, weak loan demand and important cause of the decline in yields on bank financing products as a whole. Worthy of note is that since the beginning of this year, fund companies, securities companies are focused on advancing cash finance, in order to get bank short-term financing markets a piece of the action. This reporter has learned that since May, Hua, China universal, tianhong fund companies have launched their own short-term basisWealth funds, these products from 30 days to 6 months, threshold lower than banks, most can be sold for $ 1000. Funds, brokerages and other financial institutions, "eat", banks are stepping up product innovation to attract investors. Everbright Bank, for example, the line launched on April 27 "money night market", append the original amount to 1 billionTo 1.5 billion lines Rift Platinum, lines were snapped up only 7 hours. 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