
tsw gold 000/ton up 240 points after integer - NZW

129742939375468750_396After the Spring Festival, PVC to follow around the markets higher, main price stands on $ 7,000/ton up 240 points after integer, then return vulnerable. The author believes that PVC has massive excess capacity, and starts at five or six in recent years as background, PVC market price mainly by two factors of production costs and lower demand-led, but weak cost factors affected by lower demandDrag, it is difficult to play a role. Regulation remains the same, downstream demand is not encouraging the maximum consumption of PVC profiles, special-shaped material and tubing, mainly used in the building industry, therefore, the domestic development of significant impact on PVC market of the real estate market. On February 10, the housing bailout policies introduced in Wuhu, Anhui Province, to exempt purchase General commodities in Wuhu city housing contractSubsidies and purchases below the area of 90 square meters, there are additional monetary subsidies. On February 13, new deal halted the property market of Wuhu, where rescue is a red light. The case once again demonstrated the Central there is no political will of changed regulation and the general direction of the property market. Affordable housing, although the policy vigorously supports the construction of affordable housing, but the funding gap is huge. On February 6, the financialPart, to broaden the sources of funds, increase the intensity of investment in affordable housing program, to ensure that no funding gap. From a realistic point of view, according to plan my 2011 started construction of 10 million affordable housing units, a total of 1.3 trillion yuan, as a central issue of affordable housing program grant funds only $ 170.9 billion, funding gap huge,Completion time is played by local governments. Based on realistic funding pressures, Central also began to make adjustments to the construction of affordable housing goals, and plan from "rule Number Sets" turned to "guarantee the investment." It is understood that the project started construction in China this year 7 million affordable housing units, number of plans to build affordable housing for 5 million sets. Domestic economic slowdownData show that correlation between GDP growth and PVC prices exist, therefore, future economic trends in China will also directly affect the price of PVC. At present, in the context of international financial instability, Chinese officials lowered economic growth expected in 2012, is about 8%. At the same time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced on February 6, the Chinese economyOutlook report China economic growth expected in 2012 from September last year down to 9% of. In short, China's economic growth slows, the Foundation and driving force of the PVC will not have significant upside. Calcium carbide prices stabilise, cost of supporting significant domestic production of PVC by calcium carbide process-oriented, therefore this analysis mainly from calcium carbide production cost of the originalThis point of view. At present, the carbide prices stabilize: on the one hand, enterprises have been unable to withstand the carbide of calcium carbide prices production insured is already common; on the other hand, short-term hard PVC demand has changed, but PVC carbide large enterprise Park, currently down carbide received wishes of the prices is not clear. From the fundamentals behindCalcium carbide furnace production phase-out will also support prices. It is understood that the calcium carbide Industry Association of China to discuss "Twelve-Five" during calcium carbide industry specific goals of eliminating backward production capacity is, internal combustion electric single-furnace of Shi Lu out of range from the original implementation capacity of 13,500 v up to 21,000 v by 2015 all out below the 21,000 VA internal combustion for calcium carbide furnace. ThisTo eliminate backward production capacity of 13 million tonnes, half of China's total production of calcium carbide. Carbide prices stabilise in case, we find the PVC production profits of nearly half a year's time in a more substantial losses. By this stage quote 3,700 Yuan/tons of calcium carbide in East China tera gold, cost of PVC production by calcium carbide in the vicinity of $ 7,050 per ton, tonneLosses on top of $ 300. PVC price rise after the Spring Festival is the result of cost factors played to a certain extent, but ultimately needs have not changed under the drag, one person alone can not save the situation of cost factors, price returned to the weak pattern. In addition, the policy guidance from the national electricity price reform and electricity price increases are inevitable. Which will directly enhance the cost of PVC production, production enterprisesFace significant challenges. In conclusion, I believe that PVC does not have real improvement in fundamentals, real estate regulatory policy is not relaxed tsw gold, coupled with the economic slowdown in China, downstream demand it seems there is. Cost, calcium carbide and price is relatively strong, but weak demand under the drag, cost factors, it is difficult to play a role. From the perspective of technology, main price dropped below $ 7,000/Tons of whole digits vulnerable patterns hard to change in the short term. (Author: airlines in future) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description rift platinum, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

