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129733877392815000_167Jingdong CEO Liu Qiangdong profile picture in the wide net of Beijing on February 10 according to the economic report in the company in the world, other than denounce the majority opinion, spared to forge their own logistics, arms of Jingdong Mall is a secret heart, speed to 3 c, books, consumer goods and more category expansion. Yesterday (9th), Jingdong Mall on announced that it will in the near futureLine hotel reservation services, accelerated online travel market layout. In fact, this is not the first time Jingdong Mall into the online travel market.  As early as June last year when East Beijing has launched an online airline reservation service, Congress give consent. Beijing East official said, the company is planning to open "Beijing East travel channel", broken down into the tourism market, in addition to the current air tickets, hotel businessIn the future will come for a holiday, such as tours, cruises runescape items for sale, Visa, and vehicular leasing service. It is understood that Jingdong Mall on this kind of business is not hands-on, mainly provided by outside vendors. "The main butt of East Beijing Hotel reservation is elong network, ticket butt mango NET. Jingdong no effort to extend so many hotels throughout the country, the supplier for the Beijing-East providedAccess system for the background, but reception displays Jingdong Mall, what it wants.  Jingdong Mall cooperation and currently more than 20,000 hotels nationwide, including Hong Kong, Macau. It is worth mentioning that, fierce competition in the online travel industry has always been, judging from the recent outbreak of ctrip, where net war of words field spells can once again see the situation. Judging from current market conditions,Ctrip, elong, mango etc not only established businesses, where escape network, the way cattle, Ephesians, also in its rapid rise.  At the same time, Taobao, Baidu, Tencent and NetEase to influx of competing Internet companies also in the limelight. Beijing East is probably the wanpiao, because Beijing before Tung announced plans to enter the pharmaceutical industry, however, Liu Qiangdong, Beijing and East into the pharmaceutical industry just to tellAll East Beijing are involved in this industry, do not expect to profit. So, Beijing and East into the online travel industry, have much of an opportunity? Voice of this special guest Kwang Wook Lee said: Li Guangyu: depends on what methods, if you as a sophist supermarket, if you bring your art long or mango and this site is a product of business I think Jing dong was earnedMoney of, but if this supermarket while to to themselves while do themselves of products, this on hardly, both may earned got money, and has may earned can't money, Beijing East actually it of core advantage is website of click volume and member number, also has just we said has network purchased of user habits, you does not Shang once on think is hard of, this things are is core competitiveness. In this lineThe lack of contact with the hotel, is lack of management of these things, do provide a supermarket is just a huge customer base, still have a great chance of success. Sell tickets and selling a bag of food makes no difference, because basically we say Taobao air tickets, tourism products have been customized, and is standardized, the SpecialIs the partner itself is very strong in this area, I feel these two years art long, mango also pulled a bit of a gap between c-point, but still is a very professional site. Recent media reports, Jingdong Mall's two major competitors dangdang and the company's online store, is planning to strategic alliances to enhance each other's strength of short, solidNow main rival Jingdong Mall beyond. Reporter to the company's online shop when Yu Liangchuan proof cheap runescape items, Minister of planning, as he admits, did have contacts between the two parties, exchanges and communication between the industry is quite a normal thing, there is currently no information disclosed in this area. However, according to industry insiders, the company's online shop and dangdang the Alliance seems to have been settled, and has come to aSigned a cooperation agreement stage. East of Beijing and animosity between the two companies began in the last year. In May last year rs items for sale, after the company's online shop online, GOME and Jingdong Mall on the tension between them. At that time, the company's online shop when they held a news conference in Shanghai, Jingdong Mall is the media exposes pour out from the company's online shop orders goods, then East site low prices in Beijing. In this regard,Liu Qiangdong says, these are just normal competition, no I'm sorry.  Beijing East cost is lower than the company, battle East Beijing certainly win. Liu Qiangdong: all of the price war there was a misunderstanding, that price is losing money, is to lose money selling things, in fact is not the case, the real price war is behind the cost accounts, I have repeatedly emphasized, our homeElectric we of operations cost is 6% points several, and GOME, and suning may needs 10% several, so I of cost only it of half, is dare playing value war, is because I of cost low has 1 time times, so I of price on can cheap many, this is for price war of Foundation, apart from so of driver, the competition zhiwai, Beijing East and dangdang that field "books price" warBut also kept the market even fowls and dogs are not spared-ruthless mass slaughter. The two companies in order to attract traffic, Jingdong Mall took the lead in the book market was provoking the price activity, driven and when when the fight.  Finally remembered the war, dangdang CEO Francis Chan speaking frankly Liu Qiangdong do not understand strategic and expense it is not selfish. Although offended when when the company's Mall, but Liu Qiangdong don't regret it at all. He said,He does not like and an enemy of the people, but the Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm., there will be uncomfortable.  Therefore, he is not afraid of competition, he was ready to fight. Liu Qiangdong: I don't like war, and this war can be said to be in the process of enterprise development, because of the competitive nature of the market forming a war. Because of our growth is the fastest in the industry, caused to peer so rushedHit Jingdong Mall is maximum of, this natural formed of phenomenon, members think we with people war, do daily we are in war, so we office wall Shang wrote of are is fighting two a Word, we daily are in fighting, special in we old Office post Shang all post Shang are is fighting fighting fighting, I think on we, is a happy, each field battle of victory onIn behind us was a harbinger is recognized by the customer.  Although Liu Qiangdong's confidence is enough, however, when control billions of dollars of GOME appliance resources and mastering-quality book dangdang cooperation resources, East Beijing live electronics and books for these two important lines of business, will be a serious challenge? Kwang Wook Lee: I think that actually the eternal threatMy own, which means that if they lose the ability to innovation, a problem his team, that's the biggest risk. First of all, I think the two of you think it's such a large enterprise in cooperation, both are in the industry were made boss, boss co-operate with the boss is impossible, only the interests of Exchange and Exchange Union tend to be in the interests of the most laxI would really not particularly optimistic about the cooperation between the company and when when. Others:

