
star wars the gold republic credits Gold-line reproduced above - QTJ

129742939309062500_260To understand the details of the local affordable housing allocation and quality control, the State Council has sent 5 inspection team in early February, on site supervision in some areas. These regions include Beijing, Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi swtor credits, Hubei, Jilin, Sichuan and Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, and other 10 provinces (cities, districts). The business journal reports, inspection teams, mainly by national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry,Ministry of finance, the Ministry of land and resources, housing led five deputy ministerial-level officials, members over more than 10 ministries. In accordance with the arrangements of the State Council, during the inspection, supervision and set of conditions on the ground needs to be reported to the State Council. In addition to quality and distribution, supervision group of the State Council will also learn first half of 2012 40 key city information system of personal housing and Housing DepartmentProgress in the network. Previously, individual housing construction of information network was believed to be paving the way for property taxes. Mapping local funding his inspection team will learn local affordable housing target 2012 implementation plan, especially the capital, land arrangements. Central Government affordable housing construction issued by each of the two main indexes of the year for the start of not less than 7 million, completionOver 5 million units. Ministry of housing requirements, 2012 new starts projects, all started before the end of November at the latest, started the criterion of one-third main structure is completed, one-third into the construction of floors, Foundation construction of one-third completed. To place pressure on the Government, as early as the end of last year, the national affordable housing program coordination group has signed with around 2012 housing security responsibility. This is the third time with the Central Government on affordable housing issues signed "junlingzhuang". Compared with last year, although the amount of affordable housing starts this year to reduce 3 million units, according to rough estimates, actual construction in 2012 there is around 18 million units, including some items in 2009, 2010 start 2011Starts 10 million sets the vast majority also want to continue to build this year. So a huge amount of construction scale of affordable housing, funding seems to always be a problem. Although stressed the Central Government financial subsidies will be increased this year, but because of declining income of urban land market regulation causes many obvious, local matching funds remained stagnant. Ministry of Finance has recently urged all localities to expand fundingGolden sources, such as 2012, increase the income of local government bond is used in security housing program; individual housing property tax property tax revenues in pilot areas, specially used for supportability housing project, and so on. In addition, from the Ministry of housing of the news that, after two years of implementation of the pilot, Provident Fund loans support housing construction of urban this year is expected to furtherIncreased. Perfect jingshifang return mechanism of supervision and group supervision in focus, specifically refers to the affordable housing, mapping local affordable housing listing proceeds to approach, policies and regulations and compliance with national and local realities eq2 platinum, and so on. By 2008 star wars the gold republic credits, China's construction of affordable housing to affordable housing and affordable housing, mainly in the former "-Leasing ", which" both rental and sales ", but in actual runs in the process, most affordable housing is sold overseas, and because the land is allocated for use, very low sale prices for affordable housing. Provisions in many areas, after a certain period, buyers can then pay a proportion of the land rent affordable housing to housing, andExternal sales at market prices, the huge price difference between the two forming a big profit space. This controversy in the community greatly. Affordable housing construction plan of the Central Government in the past two years are no longer focus on affordable housing in favour of development "property for all" public rental housing. Protection mode of exit, Jiang Weixin, Minister of housing in the last yearAt an internal meeting had made clear at the end of request, such as on leasing social housing, to formulate and implement a dynamic conducive to quit rent standard; purchase of social housing, in accordance with the principles of rational allocation of income, perfect and strict implementation of the trading income adjustment requirements, eliminating profit space. And affordable housing are generally classified as "purchase" affordable housing. Beijing in thisYears have introduced document in early February, Beijing jingshifang closed operation will be implemented. Jingshifang new purchase shall not be traded, needed by the jingshifang family residence is located on the transfer of the County Department to buy back. ����Execution time, the buy-back price, specific approaches such as implementation measures will be established, "old room the old way, new home and new approach" principle. Gold-line statement:Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

