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129667889759521642_403"Solutions of the European debt crisis did not happen overnight", "Rome wasn't built in a day", "trouble has been brewing for some time"What does? No matter how much built Rome needed days, starts at least can pay market "will eventually be built" a clear signal. But the situation in the euro zone is that resolution on debt crisis remains a "future tense". In the shadow of this bustling environment of appetite for patience in the euro are declining day by day, but composed a tune "the euro fell down it is not a crime"Elegy.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Friday (November 25) New York star wars the old republic, the EUR/USD after the 7-week low points hit 1.3213 level slightly warmer, is currently the currency trading for 1.326Near level. Barroso: European debt crisis is still no solution to the European Commission President José Manuel Barroso (Jose Manuel Barroso) said earlier Friday, the euro is still not found a suitable solution to address the debt crisis, and this is crucial for restoring investor confidence. Mr Barroso said, "the truth is that so far aboutThe eurozone debt crisis solution still remains to be discovered to rebuild market confidence in a long long way to go. "Mr Barroso said Europe's economic situation is very worrying, Europe is going through a defining moment. In any case, must find a response to the European debt crisis more powerful ways. In addition, if the euro does not prepare for further integration of the euro cannot continue for long.Mr Barroso's attitude and Moody's rating agency (Moodys) is similar to, who said earlier this week, euro-zone debt crisis there is no "suxiao jiuxin pill". Sweden bank Nordea (Nordea Bank), Chief foreign exchange strategist at Niels Christensen says euro anterior a haze. European bondIncreasingly dismal market performance, adverse factors aggravated the eurozone.  Risk appetite back supported against the dollar. Italy yields eight European Central Bank-breaking one person alone can not save the situation Friday midday in Europe, in Italy a weak new debt auction results, the country's 2-year government bond yields break 8%. Treasury yields soar means that the country's short-term financingCosts jump and the forced to seek external assistance growing risks. In addition, the European Central Bank (ECB) suspected purchased debt operations on the secondary market also seems to inhibit yields higher. Italy in mid-August 10-year Treasury bonds rose to 6% from the above, the European Central Bank begins again intervene in the bond market in order to stabilize the situation in the country's debt. But as the EuropeanDebt crisis spreading influence growing, European Central Bank alone own force apparently unable to stop the situation from further deteriorating. Deutsche Bank AG (Deutsche Bank) Alan Ruskin, an analyst said Friday, as Europe's debt crisis gradually spread to the core countries, euro assets becoming less attractive to investors. Expect EuropeanRMB/USD in the first quarter of 2012 it will fall to 1.25. Ruskin pointed out that when the crisis came when investors often opt to sell foreign assets, recycling their own country. Due to the foreign investors ' holdings of euro assets is much higher than the eurozone's foreign assets held by investors, once a full-blown European debt crisis, euro assets or by foreign investors of numberThe selling. Deutsche Bank Chief Economist for greater China June MA recently pointed out that the European debt crisis continues to deteriorate swtor power leveling, even serious deterioration.  European crisis has from the beginning of the first phase of the second phase of the evolution to the present. He said, the first phase was a problem with the debt itself. Now enter the second stage, Bank issues began to emerge, recent data suggest that banksDefault risk than under normal circumstances increases 8 times. As the crisis deepened, big countries or relatively healthy national rescue of weaker States will decline, the debt crisis is itself a process of rapidly expanding, aid per capita costs increase lead to feasibility of aid reduction.

