
is expected to generate more income sources

129667750456084142_116Evening news from radio "entertainment limit order" issued after a period of time, the butterfly effect is gradually appeared in other industries. As the nation's largest broadcast television variety shows and operation platform, youku top executives recently disclosed to the evening news reporter, currently restricted to this magic spell many broadcast entertainment arts Copyright party in a bind, but there was no "price sale" phenomenonVideo site purchase price has not been able to drive down. Legend for upcoming "episodes against spots" such as new rules, youku VP Marketing Dong Yawei said it would take this cooperative marketing to launch new advertising models, expanding the sources of income. Youku Chief Editor Zhu Xiangyang said, as the largest Internet video copyright buyers, youku 22 fuelled by next year alone and broadcast drama and 200 hit drama, moviesSix and Hollywood as well as the domestic film and television companies, as well as London's exclusive resource has been made. But for Sohu throw $ 30 million this year after buying a new Pearl distribution back to precedent, Zhu Xiangyang flow said youku will not rely on competitors to diluted costs because "is not a distribution site". "Everybody first siege is beingOften, so you will never cool lots of exclusive resources distribution depends to behind the gap with its competitors. "Zhu Xiangyang. It is worth noting is that entertainment limit order issued for some time have elapsed, but arts Copyright price seems to be no diving sign. Insiders told reporters that many TV, its anterior confused, some wonder if next year could continue playing on the small screenProgramming, video site seems to be the best floor channels. But Zhu Xiangyang admits, despite the fact that many producers did hold the idea seeks to increase program visibility, but copyright operators diablo 3 power leveling, income return are the primary factors considered. "Right now, copyright price trend rose, will certainly not suffice any copyright backward. "Zhu Xiangyang told reporters that the futureVideo site can increase the bargaining power of the arts copyright, yet it's hard to say. In addition, industry-present hearsay SARFT may inhibit Debuts spots such as new rules next year, Dong Yawei said the current video site is not affected. "Excellent cool plans to launch a new product model, this is what we strongly push marketing modes of cooperation next year, is expected to generate more income sources diablo 3 gold。 "He also said that with the growth of online video viewers and customers on the value of its advertising awareness increases, online video advertising in 2011, growth, according to iResearch recently released the third quarter of 2011 online video core data shows that China's online video market in the third quarter rose 30.9%, an increase of 96.7%, evenContinue about three quarters rose at 100%.

