
indicating a significant increase in money supply is still difficult in the next two months

129667889710146642_276This week in Shanghai and Shenzhen shocks IAM huzhi fall of 2,400-point mark, shenchengzhi below above. Message on the surface, latest figures of the people's Bank of China issued on 21st October Chinese Foreign Exchange balances amounted to $ 25.4869 trillion, in September the figure was 25.5118 trillion yuan, added Exchange account for a net decrease of $ 24.892 billion. ThisIs added Exchange account for January 2008 has 3 years of negative growth for the first time. We believe that the Exchange per cent negative growth, hedging in favour of reducing Central Bank pressure, but cross-border flow of funds shows the current complexity and uncertainty in international capital market prospects are enhanced. At the same time, Central Bank NET put out in October, may indicate that the central banks in the October running FoundationReduces the amount of money swtor power leveling, indicating a significant increase in money supply is still difficult in the next two months, and tensions eased liquidity the old republic power leveling, loan of greater hope for the structural adjustment policies. At the same time, HSBC China PMI initial value is 48, a 32-month low, showing November manufacturing began to shrink, small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises operating conditions is not optimistic, it means that the November industrialValue added growth continues to slow, pace while intensifying the economic slowdown. ����Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! However, there is also a good policy this week: Twelve-Five plan, the national platform for tourism and leisure tourism industry is expected to be issued, is notDomestic tourism revenue 10% an average annual growth rate to five years, by 2020, the national tourism GDP proportion of total revenue amounted to 10%.����This message becomes the catalyst of the tourism unit this week, we believe that some of the leading stocks in the tourism sector show long-term investment value, one of the layout of the plates can be an important reference for next year. At present, the market is in a shock to find in the end,Due to early continuous fall is large, in the current market is in a chaodie State, and a number of technical indicators have been deviated from is the case, indicating that demand for technical rebound next week. Combination of terms in the light this week, trading volumes and capital flows, capital in the field is little willingness to stop the departure this week strongly, but the market still lacks source of attracting foreign funds enter the market. In this way can reboundEffects of efficiency lead to hot spots and thus make money, is the key to decide short-term bounce height. Next week's trend trend in s flat multi-2350-2450 and hot news next week next week next week focus to overseas markets

