
500 people have died in violence. Comprehensive Xinhua CCTV reports

129668652389687500_39"Bush" aircraft carrier information chart. Oriental IC/United States Colombia broadcasting company, Forbes, 24th quoted from intelligence analysts "strategic forecasting" message reports that the United States Navy aircraft carrier "George H.W. Bush" from the Strait of Hormuz, near towards Syria coastal area. In addition, Syria on 25th is notThe League of Arab States before the deadline given, sign an agreement on allows the Mission of the League entry, the League sanctions against Syria may be enlarged. United Nations spokesman Mading·neixierji said the same day, the United Nations preparing for the Mission of the League to enter Syria supports. 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As a United States Navy's newest aircraft carrier built in, the number is CVN-77, "George Bush", until May this year the first official implementation of warheadDepartment tasks, in order to Iran pressure, it is the middle of this month with "the John C. Stennis" aircraft carrier into the Hormuz. Meanwhile, the United States stationed in Syria 23rd is the website of the Embassy issued an urgent notice requiring all living in Syria or Syria travel United States citizens, from Syria situation of declining commercial flights to foreign countries, As soon as arrangements formed evacuated, United States stationed in Syria, Ambassador luobote·Fute, last month had left Syria. Syria is not checked the immigration agreement the League 24th in Egypt announced after a ministerial meeting in Cairo, the capital, Syria Government should be in the 25th (Beijing time at 19 o'clock) agreements signed before allowing the League to send observation missions. However, this deadline has passed, the SyrianParty does not respond to the agreement is signed.  The League then extending the deadline to 25th (26th Beijing time), but has not yet received a reply the Syrian side.  Previous positions of the League, if Syria Government signed an agreement within the prescribed time limit, would consider economic sanctions. Reuters quoted Arab League Member States a number of Ministers reported that sanctions mayIncluding grounded and from Syria, suspension of commercial flights and Syria the Central Bank exchanges, freezing Syria Government bank accounts and to suspend financial transactions.  In addition, "as not to affect Syria people, apart from some strategic materials" from League may abort and Syria Government commercial trade. 26th meeting of the economic and Social Committee of the League discussed strategies for 27Arab League Foreign Ministers ' meeting to be held to make suggestions.  Supported by the United Nations of the League League 24th statement, urged the United Nations "under the Charter to take the necessary measures to support Las resolve Syria complex situation". Las this appeal 25th by the United Nations response. Spokesman neixierji said the United Nations, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the LeagueRemoved the mission to protect Syria welcomed the offer of civilians, think Syria Government observer mission should be allowed entry and provide full cooperation. "Should the League demand sth The Secretary-General was prepared to provide the necessary support.  "Neixierji said in Switzerland Geneva, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for human rights was discussed with Arab League Secretary General the topic. UN officials said that if theThe Mission of the League are permitted to enter Syria, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Office will send the staff accompanying to help mission work.  Members of the observer mission is expected by the human rights organizations, representatives of the media, composed of military observers, a total of 500 people, with a view to understand and monitor the League about to quell Syria proposed status of the implementation of the domestic situation. For SyriaPotential, Turkey Foreign Minister aihamaide·dawute Oulu 25th said that if Syria did not respond positively to the Arab League to send observation missions of the agreement, Turkey will take measures together with the League. "I would like to put it clearly, we cannot tolerate Syria domestic conflicts. "France and previously United States reach a consensus, it is recommended that Syria opening up" humanitarian corridor ". France policeWill, if Syria refusal to cooperate with the Government offering to transport the necessary materials for "humanitarian corridors", France and other countries are not excluded from consideration under the premise of the authority of the international use of military means to escort transport fleets. Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 25th in the form of statements opposing sanctions against Syria. France made in Syria to establish "humanitarian corridors" proposal, Russia expressed the need for more informationFor reference, you cannot explicitly supported or not. "Under the current circumstances, Syria needs is not a resolution, not sanctions, not pressure, but internal dialogue.  "Russia at his weekly news conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman yalishanda·lukasheweiqi shows that the Russian side on position. France proposed that Russia cautious. When asked about RussiaSupport the establishment of "humanitarian corridors" proposal, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukashevich said: "the intention when still at the discussion stage, information is uncertain, we refused to answer the question.  "But Lukashevich stressed that" humanitarian issues should not be used as an excuse to interfere " swtor power leveling," Russia completely unable to accept military intervention in Syria ". Syria 10 servicemen diedSyria armed forces high command issued a statement on 25th, confirmed that 10 members of the military to 24th in Syria of the worst internal violence Homs province attacked and killed near an air force base, including 6 pilots. Official Syria news agency quoted the statement said the same day, the soldiers take the vehicle on 24th encounter on the way between Homs and Palmyra "Put terrorists "attack 6 pilots, 1 officer and 3 technical military sacrifices. Said in a statement, foreign forces involved in the attacks have been identified, "they attempt to weaken Syria the combat strength of the army".  Declaration stressed the Syrian military is capable of defending the motherland and the people. To Turkey as a base in the southern region of Syria anti-Government armed "Syria freedom army" 2This attack was announced on 5th. Syria since March this year in some areas since the middle of massive anti-Government protests broke out.  According to statistics of the United Nations human rights bodies, in 8 months at least 3,500 people have died in violence. Comprehensive Xinhua CCTV reports

