
more clearly the hot

129668682396250000_77Opened market, look at the index is up is down, then look at the size of the volume diablo 3 power leveling, then mostly depends on the price ranking. As the market increasingly larger, daily limit and limit down as a rule, 250 trading days a year, except in extreme cases, almost every stock daily limit or drop. Earliest limit move system in China can be traced back to the last century 90The Early when, in "the old eight-" era, serious market demand, so the shangzhengsuo earliest inflation, limit down system was introduced. There were mixed after stopping, another question, and no one sells, the results every day daily limit. In order to amend such defects, and come up with a flow control, a stock reaches a certain volume, to continue to rise the next day. But askQuestions remain unresolved, to reach a certain volume, formed the first "Contra trade". In short, fall stop systems launches, to discourage speculation. Official were mixed in trading halt system nation-wide, was released on December 13, 1996, and became effective on December 26, 1996. Not all countries in the world has risenLimit down system, even if the purpose of this system, specific details are quite different. On system of limit move what is good or bad, can be said to be half denigration. The view was expressed that it reversed the normal trend in stock prices, there are those who think this can be useful for big money of its power to control the stock price, and so on. Whether you love it or hate it, as long as it exists, we will just have to adapt to it. KeyIs for us to understand what exactly there is behind the daily limit "secret". First, the daily limit Panel description in short supply. Buy people queuing to buy, sell people want to throw will be able to get rid of, this is the daily limit has brought to market the most objective, as well as daily limit plates behind the first "secret". In short supply, for the price, is a good thing. Therefore, in most cases,Daily limit of inertia of the stock will continue to rise. Caused by shortage of reasons, may be varied, sometimes the market is good, sometimes hot Lo, sometimes listed companies is good news, there may be makers of pure "doing". But no matter what kind of situation, all gained strong momentum. Second, the daily limit that would allowMarket are forced to take the time to swap space. From the material aspects of speaking, time and space are not exchanged, but in the market, the situation is not the same. Space is limited diablo 3 power leveling, and by the time of extension, pinning its hopes on various mood changes in the market. So, behind the daily limit is to use swap space, this is the second "secret". Time for space, in exchange forAnd no two situations change. If the extension of time, buying impulse was inhibited, sell impulse was encouraged when time and space on the Exchange, daily limit system to achieve the purpose of the if prolonged by buying impulse to further ferment, sell impulse becomes a be reluctant to sell out, the daily limit is a cumulative buying "cistern",Night, rally more rough. So, spatial and temporal can't swap, higher prices, is a good thing. Thirdly, the daily limit behind some false "buying". We often see following a daily limit, buying more heaps more, a huge sealed daily limit situation. You can confirm that, behind most of the daily limit, there will be a false buying hangs in the inside.Obviously can not buy, why is there so much buying queued there? Even if it is closed will not be sold, but hang in there, buying this can't be real. Therefore, each behind a daily limit, to think about how much buying is really, how many purchases are just hanging out "gimmick". This is the third behind the daily limit "secret". Conclusion, not all of the daily limit isEnchanting Angel, Devil's standing behind the angels. After all, the daily limit is an important market phenomenon, observed this phenomenon, and to improve our stock-trading capability is of great significance. (1) daily limit on how much strength is directly related. Extreme situations are all stock daily limit, market at this time, and is strong to the extreme. SmartInvestors can compare daily limit daily limit number of today and yesterday the amount of strength on the market have an intuitive feel. There is no doubt that daily limit number, description strong daily limit is less, shows weak. If we take the time as the horizontal axis, daily limit for a vertical axis, draw a curve, the general trend of strength at a glance. (2) daily limit associated stocksThe higher the explains market stronger. Are sometimes the main force behind the daily limit of deliberately caused, however, when the same plate or situation of many stocks have the same concept appear daily limit, not the dealer can make out. Therefore, greater correlation between the daily limit on individual stocks, explains market stronger, more clearly the hot; Conversely, if unrelated with one another, the market strongGreatly reduced. (3) daily limit sooner or later and is proportional to the strength of the trend of the time. We mentioned earlier in this "spatio-temporal swaps" does matter. Open half an hour daily limit, then it can be used for swap space on a lot of time and corresponding trends is strong until the last half an hour daily limit, that can be used to exchange short space of time, the corresponding trend is weak. SoundsThis is a simple question, but people often ignore it, like late chasing rising stocks. Late in the recovery of daily limit, share prices to close daily limit of probability is great, but has continued to rise on weak the next day. In short, the earlier stronger covering the daily limit of the stock. (4) daily limit is proportional to the size of a form with the strength of the trend of. Despite some huge sealed behind the daily limit of fake, just likeReal estate company sold the House to find to "prop up", but cannot be denied is that bigger quantity of single, real buying relatively speaking, the more of them. If you are only sparse buying, finally covering the daily limit, this stock movements are usually let people be in a sweat. In calculating the daily limit when the situation can be removed. We analyze the daily limitActually down limit of practical significance is also very strong, just all the logic talk daily limit upside down, there is no need to repeat here. (The author is a market veteran) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

