

129668652418750000_101Red hexun.com stock stock market weekly issue 2011 > source of body-November 27, 2011: red in the securities market weekly author: Liu Xiaoxu font size: copy title link red week (blog, Twitter), journalistLiu Xiaoxu this week, the fly animation (002292, unit), a blue cursor (300,058, unit), the huayi brothers (300,027, unit) as the representative of the media sector from the impact of national wendaihui, the Chinese writers ' Association to hold, in market decreased by 1.5% case, falling market rose again. Two sides of upstream and downstream firms in the industryPotential benefits from 17 plenary session made the promotion of cultural industries as pillar industry policy of positive stimulus, since October, the media sector as a whole emerged rapidly elevating overall rose nearly 25%, among the great wisdom (601,519, unit) sector gains forefront list. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or are changedFive large gold unit are buy opportunity large consumption will burning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or largeArea fell (fig) for industry and the company's recent good gains, huayi brothers stock said: "it was mainly supported by the national incentive policies, enjoy preferential policies such as tax breaks, preferential tax profit savings alone would account for a net profit of 20%~30%. At present the company's main business was still dominated by cinema and artist brokers, by the end ofThere are 8 cinemas opened. "Blue cursor works very well this week, according to the company's securities Department said:" this week's performance can be said to be best for companies listed on 1-year safe return. Advantage is the ability of the company through a series of extension-type expansion and merger and acquisition through private placement opportunities and stronger. "However, the listed companies themselvesClaim that an unnamed brokerage strategist does not endorse, "performance from the secondary market, concept of the culture and media unit hype component has some, but the real content can be achieved and itself has too little of the core content of the listed companies. "The rapid growth of new media performance of listed companies involved in media there are 26, the first 3 quarters Media BoardThe overall net profit last year rose to 9.19% of. ����Among them, print media fastest growing profitability, rose of 7.43% per cent from a year earlier, the television anime companies up to 19.17% of net interest rate from a year earlier. As a leader in Taiwan's performing arts activities of private enterprises, the light media(300,251, unit) securities confidently said: "for network TV was the first in the country, its programming and advertising is only in the third quarter revenue of $ 260 million, an increase of 26.8%. With the implementation of the policy of cultural industry, promoting the development of a complete industrial chain. "" Company to establish a boutique effects TV series as the core competitiveness of the whole industry chain resourcesDesk, television business is entering ' production and sale of both ' situation, results for the year are expected to maintain the growth of 30%~40%. At present, the company 25% to pay taxes, if you can offer to 15% will profit more than a 10%. ����"Huace film and television (300,133, unit) securities transaction represent Yang Liu said. As a domestic network video taps plus net (300,104, unit), even pulling 5 Lian Yang this week, according to the Securities Department of the company who introduced: "the company's advantage is that online video platform, future of the company's main business structure from the current copyright distribution a dominance of the advertisements, paid, copyright distribution troika go hand in hand. "Delusion of the face of the new media with traditional media in transition of crowding out, traditional media arePredicament faced a stagnant, restructuring and mergers and restructuring is the development of two new and important ways. Existing business culture day boat (300,148, unit), Bo Rui dissemination (600,880 diablo 3 power leveling, unit), in the South media (601,098, unit), and there is a merger of Guangdong, Zhejiang media (600,633, unit),The Chinese media (600,373, unit). "Companies are but one by one in publication enterprises in Jiangxi province, publishing, printing, advertising and marketing full service industrial chain of newspapers, at present, the company is expanding to new media, including private placement, and so on. ����"Securities transactions on behalf of the Chinese media Zhao Weihong said. Chengdu Bo Rui real control of the spread of people newspapers, According to the corporate and securities transactions on behalf of Li Liang introduced: "the company will not rule out the new media service listed. From the perspective of earnings growth, expected growth of the company this year will be 30%, of which 10% from traditional media growth, 10% by means of merger and obtained from the online game, outdoor advertising, and 10% is the new business development diablo 3 power leveling, including commodities trading platform businessEarnings. "Sino-South African media was conducted by the Hunan publishing group restructuring, now has printing, publishing, distribution, printing supplies, and a complete industrial chain of the publishing business. According to securities transactions on behalf of xiaoxin introduction: "the biggest advantage is to have a background of State assets and cash advantage. Enjoyed the company of continuity in policies of support may be tax relief, relief benefitRun-20%~30% per cent of net income; future aspect of the company lies in digital publishing, listed as a whole and through mergers and acquisitions are driving industry-wide chain of epitaxial growth. "Day boat culture is the largest private book group in Hunan province, since October gains in stocks of 82.82% first. According to the company MI-Yu Yuhan Tung introduced: "light from the company's development, youthYear products remain the main income of the company, in addition, children's book market annual growth exceeding 10%, construction of new media such as online gaming, anime, and is the company's future earnings growth. "Opportunities for culture and media sector, securities chief strategist Cao w-d (blog, Twitter) that, because of policy support, culture and media sectors over the next yearSo is hot. New media, Internet media, communication links and TV agent distribution companies were the focus of future development, "the current traditional media valuations are not high, in anticipation of policy, the performance will have growth. ��

