
Fall small.����Since 1999 only 2008-February and June 1 income growth than the growth rate

129667889703740392_259Ping an securities, said concerns medicine unit four types of structured investment opportunity this year, profits of pharmaceutical industry maintain steady growth. Ping an securities the latest research shows that 1 pharmaceutical industry revenue growth this year at 30.1%, 21.2% profit growth, as a special kind of consumer goods, pharmaceutical has significant demand characteristics. Main funding streamsIn stock (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Analysts expect pharmaceutical industry profits next year will greatly exceed the income growth of the industry, industry profit growth is expected to reach 28%. The policy level, implementation of essential drug systems is expected to improve. Pharmaceutical market junctionStructure Division, primary market is the major growth point in the future, innovation and the sole species is the subject of long term concern. 82 stocks were large single capital of 430 million dollars according to the securities daily market research center, pharmaceutical index reflected shock builds technology forms the end of this week, 5 trading two up and three down, index fluctuations of small, closed 3492.89 points, the weekDropped 0.35%, outperform the index 1.15%, amplitude 2.18%, $ 32.9 billion turnover, reduce 39.897% last week. Capital flows show that pharmaceutical stocks this week showed a significant differentiation, pharmaceutical unit, led by traditional Chinese medicine as the primary force favored by the funds, while pharmaceutical business and medical equipment and other units were sold. Statistics show that this week167 transactions of pharmaceutical stocks together large outflows of 203.86 million Yuan, of which, stocks of large net inflows of up to 83, 49.7% per cent of the total number of stocks trading in the stocks, stocks of large net inflows total net inflow of funds amounting to $ 425,595,220. Large net inflows of up to this week's medical unit is ConMed industry, large single fundsNet inflows of $ 45.6213 million, weeks per cent 3.64%, turnover of $ 777 million, representing a 11.46% reduction last week, week stock exchange rate up to 2.63%, the latest closed $ 13.66. On November 23, 2011 announcement, Hong Mei Industrial Holdings shareholders on November 21, 2011, 22nd in the secondary market increased holdings of shares in 102Unit, which intends to increase its stake within 12 months from the date of, continued to outperform, periods not exceeding 2%, which also pledged, in a subsequent reduction of holdings plans to introduce during the company's shares diablo 3 gold, showing major shareholders on the company's future looks promising at the same time, three quarterly reports shows that compared to the decrease in the number of shareholders 41.92%, chip set, conducive to the rise in stock prices. Within 1 month of 40Brokerage agency to give the unit a "buy" rating diablo 3 power leveling, as well as 10 institutions have given the company's shares "overweight" rating. Khb at the plate this week ranked second large capital inflows, net inflows of $ 34,977,040, the unit share capital 437.4673 million shares in circulation, exchange rate for the week 7.01%, the week or 6.21% per centDisc price $ 13.35. Company is the largest and highest market share in domestic production, the most complete, most-submitted for in vitro diagnostic reagent production enterprises, where avian influenza test reagents is project funding from the Government. 2011 three quarterly disclosure expected net profit in 2011 changes per cent margin is less than 30%, because the performance continued to grow steadily. Based on the company's performance stabilityGrowth, nearly a month, 1 brokerage institutions to give the unit a "buy" rating, while there are 22 brokerage agencies "overweight" rating. Remaining weeks large net inflows of more than $ 10 million worth of medicine unit also: Tong ren Tang, Dong-e e-Jiao, Hainan sea medicine, Chinese medicine Jiang, CR 39, the Temple of God group, bio, hengrui medicine, China Rep bio9 stocks. "Twelve-Five" planning opportunities November 15 science and technology development of medical science and Technology Ministry released the "Twelve-Five" programme, offered to major new drugs, medical equipment and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine as the core, the development of strategic industries of bio-medicine, as a prospective study on the development of medical science and technology of independent innovation strategy basis points. Market expects the Central Finance will continue toIncrease input in new drug research and development funding, research and development ability of pharmaceutical enterprises is expected to benefit first. It is understood that the national policy on biological innovations in medical support is increasing. "Eleven-Five" countries start "significant new drug created" significant after the special, 35 national and local to total 40 billion funding support between innovation, already has a number of great market potential ofStudy on new drug enters phase.����In response, the CICC believes that as one of the strategic industries, 35 issues of pharmaceutical industry in the area of innovation will be given substantive support. At the same time, EMC Corporation, the pharmaceutical industry "Twelve-Five" planning the launch of the opportunity and challenge are coexisting, raw material medicine enterprise with promising characteristics. 2010 pharmaceutical import and export in China MingRecovery, 2011 years ago 8 months maintain high growth in exports and imports. In the area of anti-infective drugs, from the raw view, yield only 4.9% per cent in the first half, well below the industry average of $ 16.8%.����To sum up, still recommends avoiding antibiotics business accounted for large listed companies. Industry growth rate is still relatively fast economic development, socialAnd individuals in the field of health expenditure will maintain a growth momentum.����Market is expected in 2010-2020, national health account maintenance of 14.7% compound growth. Reportedly, 2011-September, the pharmaceutical industry total sales revenues amounted to $ 1,022,054,000,000, increase of 30.17% compared growth than the decline in January-August this year 0.50pp,Fall small.����Since 1999 only 2008-February and June 1 income growth than the growth rate, the growth rate is high by historical; cumulative total profit of 101.252 billion yuan, an increase of 21.2%, growth increased by 0.77pp over January-August this year, growth rates remained relatively low. Profitability, 2011 per cent month, pharmaceutical industry gross profit margin is 28.83%, at historically low levels, 1September 2011Pharmaceutical industry, production and demand has improved, the production index in September and October and the new orders index back above the critical point.����By October PMI data, securities expects the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry should be on people's livelihood will continue to maintain the momentum of improvement. As the decline in prices of Chinese medicinal materials, livelihood security pharmaceutical industry profits next year is expected to significantly exceed industry revenue growth, Industry profit growth for 28%. The policy level, implementation of essential drug systems is expected to improve. Pharmaceutical market structure Division, primary market is the major growth point in the future. Sales of Chinese medicine at the grass-roots weight is large, optimistic about proprietary Chinese medicine and Chinese traditional medicine cut crude drug section. Recommends that the concerns of grass-roots marketing investment opportunity, first of all need to focus on basic drugs exclusive varieties and exclusive varieties.At the same time, innovation and variety are the subject of long term need to focus, in addition, industry mergers in the next few years will be the hot spot, it is recommended that concern. Focus on structured investment opportunities of investment in this industry, ping an securities, said concerns four types of structured investment opportunities. First, continue to benefit from expansion of market based drug exclusive exclusive varieties and classes, mainly in constant group of xueshuantongInjection agent, and Kunming pharmaceutical of blood saitong frozen powder injection, and daughter drug industry of daughter gynecological tablets and CR 39 of 39 gastric Thai, and are days pills; II is, by medicinal herbs price fell brings gross margin upgrade of proprietary Chinese medicines enterprise, main for River Chinese medicine industry and CR 39; three is, has price increases expected of resources type brand Chinese medicine, main push tablets Tsai ���ʳɷ֡�; four, and avoiding policy risk of quality medical instrumentsAnd vaccine companies, such as diving medical and Watson bio. The long term, ping an securities believes that enterprise from a lifecycle perspective: first, is in the early stages of the life cycle and the tremendous potential of the product or company, primarily for can be derived to pientzehuang of healthcare products and cosmetic products, in the early stages of the life cycle of industry home diving medical medical device companies, medical servicesEnterprise aier eye, health care products company Tomson times health; second, matching the product life cycle of good enterprise, mainly for drug research and development chemical and bio-pharmaceutical company, focusing on recommended Watson bio, tasly and hengrui medicine.

