

129668652418750000_101Red hexun.com stock stock market weekly issue 2011 > source of body-November 27, 2011: red in the securities market weekly author: Liu Xiaoxu font size: copy title link red week (blog, Twitter), journalistLiu Xiaoxu this week, the fly animation (002292, unit), a blue cursor (300,058, unit), the huayi brothers (300,027, unit) as the representative of the media sector from the impact of national wendaihui, the Chinese writers ' Association to hold, in market decreased by 1.5% case, falling market rose again. Two sides of upstream and downstream firms in the industryPotential benefits from 17 plenary session made the promotion of cultural industries as pillar industry policy of positive stimulus, since October, the media sector as a whole emerged rapidly elevating overall rose nearly 25%, among the great wisdom (601,519, unit) sector gains forefront list. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or are changedFive large gold unit are buy opportunity large consumption will burning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] next week a unit or largeArea fell (fig) for industry and the company's recent good gains, huayi brothers stock said: "it was mainly supported by the national incentive policies, enjoy preferential policies such as tax breaks, preferential tax profit savings alone would account for a net profit of 20%~30%. At present the company's main business was still dominated by cinema and artist brokers, by the end ofThere are 8 cinemas opened. "Blue cursor works very well this week, according to the company's securities Department said:" this week's performance can be said to be best for companies listed on 1-year safe return. Advantage is the ability of the company through a series of extension-type expansion and merger and acquisition through private placement opportunities and stronger. "However, the listed companies themselvesClaim that an unnamed brokerage strategist does not endorse, "performance from the secondary market, concept of the culture and media unit hype component has some, but the real content can be achieved and itself has too little of the core content of the listed companies. "The rapid growth of new media performance of listed companies involved in media there are 26, the first 3 quarters Media BoardThe overall net profit last year rose to 9.19% of. ����Among them, print media fastest growing profitability, rose of 7.43% per cent from a year earlier, the television anime companies up to 19.17% of net interest rate from a year earlier. As a leader in Taiwan's performing arts activities of private enterprises, the light media(300,251, unit) securities confidently said: "for network TV was the first in the country, its programming and advertising is only in the third quarter revenue of $ 260 million, an increase of 26.8%. With the implementation of the policy of cultural industry, promoting the development of a complete industrial chain. "" Company to establish a boutique effects TV series as the core competitiveness of the whole industry chain resourcesDesk, television business is entering ' production and sale of both ' situation, results for the year are expected to maintain the growth of 30%~40%. At present, the company 25% to pay taxes, if you can offer to 15% will profit more than a 10%. ����"Huace film and television (300,133, unit) securities transaction represent Yang Liu said. As a domestic network video taps plus net (300,104, unit), even pulling 5 Lian Yang this week, according to the Securities Department of the company who introduced: "the company's advantage is that online video platform, future of the company's main business structure from the current copyright distribution a dominance of the advertisements, paid, copyright distribution troika go hand in hand. "Delusion of the face of the new media with traditional media in transition of crowding out, traditional media arePredicament faced a stagnant, restructuring and mergers and restructuring is the development of two new and important ways. Existing business culture day boat (300,148, unit), Bo Rui dissemination (600,880 diablo 3 power leveling, unit), in the South media (601,098, unit), and there is a merger of Guangdong, Zhejiang media (600,633, unit),The Chinese media (600,373, unit). "Companies are but one by one in publication enterprises in Jiangxi province, publishing, printing, advertising and marketing full service industrial chain of newspapers, at present, the company is expanding to new media, including private placement, and so on. ����"Securities transactions on behalf of the Chinese media Zhao Weihong said. Chengdu Bo Rui real control of the spread of people newspapers, According to the corporate and securities transactions on behalf of Li Liang introduced: "the company will not rule out the new media service listed. From the perspective of earnings growth, expected growth of the company this year will be 30%, of which 10% from traditional media growth, 10% by means of merger and obtained from the online game, outdoor advertising, and 10% is the new business development diablo 3 power leveling, including commodities trading platform businessEarnings. "Sino-South African media was conducted by the Hunan publishing group restructuring, now has printing, publishing, distribution, printing supplies, and a complete industrial chain of the publishing business. According to securities transactions on behalf of xiaoxin introduction: "the biggest advantage is to have a background of State assets and cash advantage. Enjoyed the company of continuity in policies of support may be tax relief, relief benefitRun-20%~30% per cent of net income; future aspect of the company lies in digital publishing, listed as a whole and through mergers and acquisitions are driving industry-wide chain of epitaxial growth. "Day boat culture is the largest private book group in Hunan province, since October gains in stocks of 82.82% first. According to the company MI-Yu Yuhan Tung introduced: "light from the company's development, youthYear products remain the main income of the company, in addition, children's book market annual growth exceeding 10%, construction of new media such as online gaming, anime, and is the company's future earnings growth. "Opportunities for culture and media sector, securities chief strategist Cao w-d (blog, Twitter) that, because of policy support, culture and media sectors over the next yearSo is hot. New media, Internet media, communication links and TV agent distribution companies were the focus of future development, "the current traditional media valuations are not high, in anticipation of policy, the performance will have growth. ��


129667864357646642_114 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>The new building shares the fourth session of the 14th session of the Board meeting on November 25 diablo 3 power leveling, 2011, to consider the adoption of the new building shares on "strengthening the corporate governance of listed companies a special campaign to" self-inspection report and improvement plan.


129667677896084142_9"Sohu IT news" on November 26, according to data from the NASDAQ Friday, Groupon shorts (short position) stock of last week amounted to 3 million shares. Shorts is that the existing stock while the investors and the stock higher, but prospects look bad on equities diablo 3 gold, expects share prices will fall, so borrowedShares sold in a timely manner, be buying when stocks are down to a price, to get the difference between earnings. NASDAQ said, until November 15, short Groupon stocks 2.92 million shares.   According to Reuters data, roughly 8.3% of trading stocks. NASDAQ data delayed a week selling shares, therefore, GrouponData does not include this week's negative data. Wednesday, Groupon fell to below issue price of 20 dollars. On Friday diablo 3 gold, Groupon shares fell again 1.2% to close at $ 16.75. (Nblog) (Editor: Hu Tao) stocks mentioned in this article: $Groupon (GRPN) $

Fall small.����Since 1999 only 2008-February and June 1 income growth than the growth rate

129667889703740392_259Ping an securities, said concerns medicine unit four types of structured investment opportunity this year, profits of pharmaceutical industry maintain steady growth. Ping an securities the latest research shows that 1 pharmaceutical industry revenue growth this year at 30.1%, 21.2% profit growth, as a special kind of consumer goods, pharmaceutical has significant demand characteristics. Main funding streamsIn stock (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Analysts expect pharmaceutical industry profits next year will greatly exceed the income growth of the industry, industry profit growth is expected to reach 28%. The policy level, implementation of essential drug systems is expected to improve. Pharmaceutical market junctionStructure Division, primary market is the major growth point in the future, innovation and the sole species is the subject of long term concern. 82 stocks were large single capital of 430 million dollars according to the securities daily market research center, pharmaceutical index reflected shock builds technology forms the end of this week, 5 trading two up and three down, index fluctuations of small, closed 3492.89 points, the weekDropped 0.35%, outperform the index 1.15%, amplitude 2.18%, $ 32.9 billion turnover, reduce 39.897% last week. Capital flows show that pharmaceutical stocks this week showed a significant differentiation, pharmaceutical unit, led by traditional Chinese medicine as the primary force favored by the funds, while pharmaceutical business and medical equipment and other units were sold. Statistics show that this week167 transactions of pharmaceutical stocks together large outflows of 203.86 million Yuan, of which, stocks of large net inflows of up to 83, 49.7% per cent of the total number of stocks trading in the stocks, stocks of large net inflows total net inflow of funds amounting to $ 425,595,220. Large net inflows of up to this week's medical unit is ConMed industry, large single fundsNet inflows of $ 45.6213 million, weeks per cent 3.64%, turnover of $ 777 million, representing a 11.46% reduction last week, week stock exchange rate up to 2.63%, the latest closed $ 13.66. On November 23, 2011 announcement, Hong Mei Industrial Holdings shareholders on November 21, 2011, 22nd in the secondary market increased holdings of shares in 102Unit, which intends to increase its stake within 12 months from the date of, continued to outperform, periods not exceeding 2%, which also pledged, in a subsequent reduction of holdings plans to introduce during the company's shares diablo 3 gold, showing major shareholders on the company's future looks promising at the same time, three quarterly reports shows that compared to the decrease in the number of shareholders 41.92%, chip set, conducive to the rise in stock prices. Within 1 month of 40Brokerage agency to give the unit a "buy" rating diablo 3 power leveling, as well as 10 institutions have given the company's shares "overweight" rating. Khb at the plate this week ranked second large capital inflows, net inflows of $ 34,977,040, the unit share capital 437.4673 million shares in circulation, exchange rate for the week 7.01%, the week or 6.21% per centDisc price $ 13.35. Company is the largest and highest market share in domestic production, the most complete, most-submitted for in vitro diagnostic reagent production enterprises, where avian influenza test reagents is project funding from the Government. 2011 three quarterly disclosure expected net profit in 2011 changes per cent margin is less than 30%, because the performance continued to grow steadily. Based on the company's performance stabilityGrowth, nearly a month, 1 brokerage institutions to give the unit a "buy" rating, while there are 22 brokerage agencies "overweight" rating. Remaining weeks large net inflows of more than $ 10 million worth of medicine unit also: Tong ren Tang, Dong-e e-Jiao, Hainan sea medicine, Chinese medicine Jiang, CR 39, the Temple of God group, bio, hengrui medicine, China Rep bio9 stocks. "Twelve-Five" planning opportunities November 15 science and technology development of medical science and Technology Ministry released the "Twelve-Five" programme, offered to major new drugs, medical equipment and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine as the core, the development of strategic industries of bio-medicine, as a prospective study on the development of medical science and technology of independent innovation strategy basis points. Market expects the Central Finance will continue toIncrease input in new drug research and development funding, research and development ability of pharmaceutical enterprises is expected to benefit first. It is understood that the national policy on biological innovations in medical support is increasing. "Eleven-Five" countries start "significant new drug created" significant after the special, 35 national and local to total 40 billion funding support between innovation, already has a number of great market potential ofStudy on new drug enters phase.����In response, the CICC believes that as one of the strategic industries, 35 issues of pharmaceutical industry in the area of innovation will be given substantive support. At the same time, EMC Corporation, the pharmaceutical industry "Twelve-Five" planning the launch of the opportunity and challenge are coexisting, raw material medicine enterprise with promising characteristics. 2010 pharmaceutical import and export in China MingRecovery, 2011 years ago 8 months maintain high growth in exports and imports. In the area of anti-infective drugs, from the raw view, yield only 4.9% per cent in the first half, well below the industry average of $ 16.8%.����To sum up, still recommends avoiding antibiotics business accounted for large listed companies. Industry growth rate is still relatively fast economic development, socialAnd individuals in the field of health expenditure will maintain a growth momentum.����Market is expected in 2010-2020, national health account maintenance of 14.7% compound growth. Reportedly, 2011-September, the pharmaceutical industry total sales revenues amounted to $ 1,022,054,000,000, increase of 30.17% compared growth than the decline in January-August this year 0.50pp,Fall small.����Since 1999 only 2008-February and June 1 income growth than the growth rate, the growth rate is high by historical; cumulative total profit of 101.252 billion yuan, an increase of 21.2%, growth increased by 0.77pp over January-August this year, growth rates remained relatively low. Profitability, 2011 per cent month, pharmaceutical industry gross profit margin is 28.83%, at historically low levels, 1September 2011Pharmaceutical industry, production and demand has improved, the production index in September and October and the new orders index back above the critical point.����By October PMI data, securities expects the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry should be on people's livelihood will continue to maintain the momentum of improvement. As the decline in prices of Chinese medicinal materials, livelihood security pharmaceutical industry profits next year is expected to significantly exceed industry revenue growth, Industry profit growth for 28%. The policy level, implementation of essential drug systems is expected to improve. Pharmaceutical market structure Division, primary market is the major growth point in the future. Sales of Chinese medicine at the grass-roots weight is large, optimistic about proprietary Chinese medicine and Chinese traditional medicine cut crude drug section. Recommends that the concerns of grass-roots marketing investment opportunity, first of all need to focus on basic drugs exclusive varieties and exclusive varieties.At the same time, innovation and variety are the subject of long term need to focus, in addition, industry mergers in the next few years will be the hot spot, it is recommended that concern. Focus on structured investment opportunities of investment in this industry, ping an securities, said concerns four types of structured investment opportunities. First, continue to benefit from expansion of market based drug exclusive exclusive varieties and classes, mainly in constant group of xueshuantongInjection agent, and Kunming pharmaceutical of blood saitong frozen powder injection, and daughter drug industry of daughter gynecological tablets and CR 39 of 39 gastric Thai, and are days pills; II is, by medicinal herbs price fell brings gross margin upgrade of proprietary Chinese medicines enterprise, main for River Chinese medicine industry and CR 39; three is, has price increases expected of resources type brand Chinese medicine, main push tablets Tsai ���ʳɷ֡�; four, and avoiding policy risk of quality medical instrumentsAnd vaccine companies, such as diving medical and Watson bio. The long term, ping an securities believes that enterprise from a lifecycle perspective: first, is in the early stages of the life cycle and the tremendous potential of the product or company, primarily for can be derived to pientzehuang of healthcare products and cosmetic products, in the early stages of the life cycle of industry home diving medical medical device companies, medical servicesEnterprise aier eye, health care products company Tomson times health; second, matching the product life cycle of good enterprise, mainly for drug research and development chemical and bio-pharmaceutical company, focusing on recommended Watson bio, tasly and hengrui medicine.

but has now figured out

129667716785146642_43Focused problem left behind the non-Meng Fei: spend more time with the family Hunan Wu Zhangping: "Shenzhen wander for ten years, select the home farm". Yantai Chen Dawei: "parents need to take care and enjoy home leisure". NetEase entertainment on November 26 on Saturday of the non-if you diablo 3 gold, eyes focusing on the present left-behind problems of concern, the two selected home visit male participants to recall their wandering in the development of road, and came to the non-if you are looking for a better loveAt the same time, calls lack of affection, raises all the strong response. Today both in urban and rural areas, there are a large part of the crowd chose to go abroad to study, work, or of migrant, which caused the "empty nest elderly", "empty-nest child" a special group left behind. No country for old men, young family indifference, lack of affection has become an increasingly prominent qQuestions, more and more groups who remain live in, attracted the attention and concern of society and people. On the issue of left-behind, the facilitator Meng Fei (microblogging) said, "left-home people in urban and rural areas have a lot, seasonal trips people up as much as 200 million, there is no doubt that the data is staggering. What kind of impact this will have on our lives? Is worth considering. United States have aNurse, had launched a voting over the Internet, what is your biggest regret before dying? Highest votes in the first two are working too much, too little time with my family, that the results are quite meaty. "Hunan Wu Zhangping:" Shenzhen wander for ten years, select the home farm "Wu Zhangping from Hunan, he worked in Shenzhen wander for ten years, eventually choose between homeTin. Led him to make that decision, there is a very sad about it because, during his work in Shenzhen, unfortunately mothers died because of illness, become a pain in his heart. "If I was a little more time with her, may not be so. "Reference to the matter, Wu Zhangping again the season of tears in her eyes. In addition, he also said at the scene, "there are many elderly people left behind in the village, children,In need of care. I'm now back home in Hunan culture, I would like to use their attempts and efforts to prove that can enrich oneself as in rural areas. I do not want their tragedy played out again, I will stick to it, the confidence, the target is going to work. Farmer, springs, is a bit field, together with his family to be the happiest. "In order to return development, Wu Zhangping had abandoned for some sense ofLove. The other was a Chongqing girl, hoping to stay in Chongqing's development. But old thought of his old father, Wu Zhangping eventually chose breaking up with each other. Speaking on the ideal type of girl, the big boys a little shy, "is lively, cheerful, and the margin of the eyes would be nice, the most important. "Listen to the story of Wu Zhangping, farm girls, on the 20th Zhong Yu quite touched and insisted that heLight at the end. Both did eventually succeed in hand? Yantai Chen Dawei: "parents need to take care and enjoy home leisure" another male guests from Yantai Chen Dawei out after years of wandering, ultimately chose to return to his hometown of development, is now a publicly traded Internet company products promotion work. Is content with his present life, "Still need someone to take care of their parents, and I also enjoyed the home leisure life, no pressure. I recently read the let it be, Meng Fei, and found out I was young, he was like. I have also not less Jingshi, youthful indiscretion, but has now figured out, that family is more important. "Chen Dawei had a rather tortuous emotion diablo 3 power leveling, the woman before and after breaking up 12 proposed,He was reconciled with the restore. Eventually but because the two were separated, he offered a break up. His requirements for the other half is quite high, "to have an independent life and career, there should be no hunshi, traditional. "Tonight, he can meet him and the one who is it? "Special notice": Jiangsu TV, the non-if you are the evening of November 26 21:10 staged romantic stay tuned!


more clearly the hot

129668682396250000_77Opened market, look at the index is up is down, then look at the size of the volume diablo 3 power leveling, then mostly depends on the price ranking. As the market increasingly larger, daily limit and limit down as a rule, 250 trading days a year, except in extreme cases, almost every stock daily limit or drop. Earliest limit move system in China can be traced back to the last century 90The Early when, in "the old eight-" era, serious market demand, so the shangzhengsuo earliest inflation, limit down system was introduced. There were mixed after stopping, another question, and no one sells, the results every day daily limit. In order to amend such defects, and come up with a flow control, a stock reaches a certain volume, to continue to rise the next day. But askQuestions remain unresolved, to reach a certain volume, formed the first "Contra trade". In short, fall stop systems launches, to discourage speculation. Official were mixed in trading halt system nation-wide, was released on December 13, 1996, and became effective on December 26, 1996. Not all countries in the world has risenLimit down system, even if the purpose of this system, specific details are quite different. On system of limit move what is good or bad, can be said to be half denigration. The view was expressed that it reversed the normal trend in stock prices, there are those who think this can be useful for big money of its power to control the stock price, and so on. Whether you love it or hate it, as long as it exists, we will just have to adapt to it. KeyIs for us to understand what exactly there is behind the daily limit "secret". First, the daily limit Panel description in short supply. Buy people queuing to buy, sell people want to throw will be able to get rid of, this is the daily limit has brought to market the most objective, as well as daily limit plates behind the first "secret". In short supply, for the price, is a good thing. Therefore, in most cases,Daily limit of inertia of the stock will continue to rise. Caused by shortage of reasons, may be varied, sometimes the market is good, sometimes hot Lo, sometimes listed companies is good news, there may be makers of pure "doing". But no matter what kind of situation, all gained strong momentum. Second, the daily limit that would allowMarket are forced to take the time to swap space. From the material aspects of speaking, time and space are not exchanged, but in the market, the situation is not the same. Space is limited diablo 3 power leveling, and by the time of extension, pinning its hopes on various mood changes in the market. So, behind the daily limit is to use swap space, this is the second "secret". Time for space, in exchange forAnd no two situations change. If the extension of time, buying impulse was inhibited, sell impulse was encouraged when time and space on the Exchange, daily limit system to achieve the purpose of the if prolonged by buying impulse to further ferment, sell impulse becomes a be reluctant to sell out, the daily limit is a cumulative buying "cistern",Night, rally more rough. So, spatial and temporal can't swap, higher prices, is a good thing. Thirdly, the daily limit behind some false "buying". We often see following a daily limit, buying more heaps more, a huge sealed daily limit situation. You can confirm that, behind most of the daily limit, there will be a false buying hangs in the inside.Obviously can not buy, why is there so much buying queued there? Even if it is closed will not be sold, but hang in there, buying this can't be real. Therefore, each behind a daily limit, to think about how much buying is really, how many purchases are just hanging out "gimmick". This is the third behind the daily limit "secret". Conclusion, not all of the daily limit isEnchanting Angel, Devil's standing behind the angels. After all, the daily limit is an important market phenomenon, observed this phenomenon, and to improve our stock-trading capability is of great significance. (1) daily limit on how much strength is directly related. Extreme situations are all stock daily limit, market at this time, and is strong to the extreme. SmartInvestors can compare daily limit daily limit number of today and yesterday the amount of strength on the market have an intuitive feel. There is no doubt that daily limit number, description strong daily limit is less, shows weak. If we take the time as the horizontal axis, daily limit for a vertical axis, draw a curve, the general trend of strength at a glance. (2) daily limit associated stocksThe higher the explains market stronger. Are sometimes the main force behind the daily limit of deliberately caused, however, when the same plate or situation of many stocks have the same concept appear daily limit, not the dealer can make out. Therefore, greater correlation between the daily limit on individual stocks, explains market stronger, more clearly the hot; Conversely, if unrelated with one another, the market strongGreatly reduced. (3) daily limit sooner or later and is proportional to the strength of the trend of the time. We mentioned earlier in this "spatio-temporal swaps" does matter. Open half an hour daily limit, then it can be used for swap space on a lot of time and corresponding trends is strong until the last half an hour daily limit, that can be used to exchange short space of time, the corresponding trend is weak. SoundsThis is a simple question, but people often ignore it, like late chasing rising stocks. Late in the recovery of daily limit, share prices to close daily limit of probability is great, but has continued to rise on weak the next day. In short, the earlier stronger covering the daily limit of the stock. (4) daily limit is proportional to the size of a form with the strength of the trend of. Despite some huge sealed behind the daily limit of fake, just likeReal estate company sold the House to find to "prop up", but cannot be denied is that bigger quantity of single, real buying relatively speaking, the more of them. If you are only sparse buying, finally covering the daily limit, this stock movements are usually let people be in a sweat. In calculating the daily limit when the situation can be removed. We analyze the daily limitActually down limit of practical significance is also very strong, just all the logic talk daily limit upside down, there is no need to repeat here. (The author is a market veteran) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

arrived at the scene. At the celebration site

129668731970156250_369Report from (reported by reporter Xu Qinghong) the day before yesterday, plus network in Beijing held the men helping celebration online click on breaking 1 billion, Director Zhao Baogang, screenwriter starring Tang Jun carrying Huang Lei, Li Zhang diablo 3 power leveling, arrived at the scene. At the celebration site, played in the play of Huang Lei Luo Shuquan claimed said that family of the man, daughter once Honglei Sun playing Gu Xiao Bai had "bias", "she thought,The old beat me Daddy " diablo 3 power leveling, fortunately, Honglei Sun Huang Lei after gathering outstanding changed the baby daughter of the Huang Lei" Honglei Sun are the bad guys "view. Few performance evaluation in public actor Zhao Baogang yesterday to break the silence and back Honglei Sun, Gu Xiaobai suffered controversy and complain of this role, "red Thunder is already an actor is quite well known, I am glad toTour he changed, and his performance was outstanding.   "▲ Baogang Zhao issued for Huang Lei Award for most popular users welcome Otaku. Reporter Wu Ping perturbation ()

According to information of the Wall Street says

129667864465771642_391 <a href="http://diablo3.power-leveling.org">diablo 3 power leveling</a>According to information of the Wall Street says, Spain the new Government was considering applying for financial aid to international organizations. Close to Spain multiple sources of the people's Party diablo 3 gold, will be officially sworn in in mid-December of Spain the new Government was considering applying for international aid. One source said,llip;According to the party's Senior Economic Adviser, apply for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan is just one option. He said,Study on such a plan, and said the new Government has not yet been formally established. Deutsche Bank AG (Deutsche Bank) Gilles Moec, Economist saysMachines, but not panicking yet.At least 200 billion euro. "Panoramic network special statement" articles, data and other content contained in this channel are filled by the media (corporate) provided, does not represent our views. Content contained in this Web for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice, action, at your own risk.

and thus we got away with supervision and combat. Many sets of cards into the stock market

129668631863750000_55China's second-largest corn seed "auspicious first" is suffering a nationwide private breeding to have indiscriminate effects, at least 62 kinds of affiliates in the infringing activity, including China national seed group, Dunhuang seed industry (600,354), and other famous enterprises. In November 2011, a real report letter submitted to the Ministry of agriculture, many "lucky first" violationsCopy of breeding. "Auspicious first" is the second big advantage after zhengdan 958 's domestic maize new varieties, the variety right person to Institute of science in agriculture in wuwei (), which authorized limited and seed industry in wuwei Gan Xin Wu seed industry in wuwei city technology limited liability company production and management, "auspicious first", Huang Wenlong breeding people with "lucky first" total distributionThe right. "Auspicious first" have access to varieties in Henan and Gansu province.   On January 1, 2011, by the Department of agriculture plant variety rights certificate, variety right number is: CNA20070293.9 and authority of the Ministry of agriculture, protection of new varieties of plants. However, Huang Wenlong told reporters: "2011" auspicious first "legitimate breeding only 20,000About MU, but the actual production in more than 300,000 acres, another 280,000 acres are illegal and irregular breeding companies without permission propagation system. "Gansu daily reported October 1 this year," (2009), "lucky, first" seed production area of more than 300,000 acres, (2010) to promote an area of more than 30 million acres, sales of finished third in the national maize varieties."This reporter interviewed persons, authorized to carry on business, the right seed the Board was informed that in Gansu province, breeding for many well-known enterprises to participate in the infringement. Among them diablo 3 gold, Dunhuang seed industry cultivation of infringement "auspicious first" acreage to be almost as much legitimate variety. More bits to be interviewed objects have told reporters that reports submitted to the Ministry of agriculture for almost 3 months, the Ministry of agriculture had not give back, Never heard of suits on measures to combat the illegal propagation system. Who has seen the above reports of breeding expert said: "this may be a infringement of domestic breeding industry's largest-ever. "62 companies infringing companies are private seed in Hexi corridor" auspicious first "seeds, authorized companies only concerns of the two due to informants, this paper does notAccess to original reports mentioned above. But as far as this reporter has learned that this report letter detailing alleged infringement "auspicious, first" seed lists of specific companies, privately breeding systems "auspicious first" area as well as the legal representative of the enterprise.   62 companies famous actor in State-owned enterprises, well-known private enterprises, as well as listed companies. "Auspicious first" variety right who told reporters that "Chinese seedDunhuang seed industry in Zhangye branches and subsidiaries of the Group engaged in a "propitious, first" seed set of cards. Among them, Dunhuang seed propagation of 10,000-20,000 acres of a subsidiary of infringement, China national seed group Zhangye infringement propagation of 5000-6000 acres. "The variety right who said, in addition to these two companies, other companies have production 7000-8000 acres, Has seed in Hexi production enterprises. Huang Wenlong told reporters: "this year the ' auspicious first ' seed production area of 300,000 acres, the Gansu daily newspaper has reported. "Retired fellow of Chinese Academy of crop, maize expert ping Tong Asia said:" the ' lucky first ' area of acreage in the country are based on production projections. "According to relevant departments said,' Lucky first ' seed production area of 300,000 acres, and kinds of production of about 150 million kilograms, calculated according to the acres sown seeds of 2.5 kg, can be grown in more than 60 million acres of corn. "Even a fold, calculated according to the 30 million acres, this variety in national corn acreage should be ranked in second place or third place. "In 2010, ahead of" auspicious first "front335 for zhengdan 958 and jade, jade 335 for the United States improved varieties of pioneer international limited breeding, meaning "auspicious first" is the second home-made corn seeds. However, "auspicious first" Henan Yuan Qiang said: "this year, the ' lucky first ' breeding base of 500,000 acres, producing 500 million pounds of seed, can grow 100 million acres. Last year diablo 3 power leveling, first inSecond, breeding may be the first of the year ". But in the more than 300,000 acres of figures are hidden behind a startling fact. Huang Wenlong said the breeding area of about 20,000 acres of legitimate businesses, legitimate only two breeding enterprises, is a branch of seed industry in wuwei city technology limited liability company (seed industry), another for the wuwei Gan Xin seed industries limitedThe company (seed industry in Gan Xin).   "Enterprises in seed production of Hexi corridor ' auspicious first ' seed, they mix of technologies are used by us, so they certainly Torts". Is China's most important base for maize breeding in Hexi corridor, leading Chinese corn seeds company China national seed group, denghai.NET seed industry (002041), Dunhuang seed industry and other production bases are concentratedIn the area. Many were suspected of breeding systems "auspicious first" maize seed not only violations of the rights of intellectual property, but also bring to legitimate enterprises on breeding seed distribution hit. Huang Wenlong said that last year was more than $ 6 per kilogram of seed, sold $ 5.5-5.6/kg only this year.   But this year's production cost jiuhe to 6 Yuan/kg. Huang WenlongSays: "last year's ' lucky first ' breeding there are a hundred thousand of acres, propagation of the variety has made such a big amount, prices will come down. "Yuan Qiang also said:" now go haywire, infringement is very serious, seeds of alleged copyright infringement has been circulating throughout the country, have a great impact on legitimate seeds. They (Enterprise of infringement) suits high volume, but regular channels we do them. ”Yuan Qiang said, "auspicious first" have an advantage over zhengdan 958, stable yield, disease resistant, high yield, this is likely to affect the country's corn-growing trend. Many companies without permission propagation system "auspicious first", a tremendous amount of "Black households" maize seed sold a large number of circulation will also face a "identity" issue, never dared to blatantly "auspicious first" name sold。 Huang Wenlong said, there is no production License not sold. However, the counterfeit business is own tort seed market.   These enterprises will seed varieties that are already at their respective companies of infringing names listed for sale, and thus we got away with supervision and combat. Many sets of cards into the stock market, huge hidden risks. "Auspicious first" has only obtained in HenanVarieties in Gansu province, in these two provinces is a legitimate plant varieties, in other provinces have not been audited. Without official accreditation, meaning that the variety is most likely not appropriate for local planting, farmers can suffer a great deal of risk.

there have been 6~8-gust

129668731682031250_133Zhongxinwang, November 27, according to the Central Meteorological Station forecast over the next three days, dabudiqu 4~6-level light northerly winds occurred in East and accompanied by 6~8℃ cool large Department of precipitation in Central-Eastern, in addition, in Huang-Huai South local fog and other places. Inner Mongolia North-East of North China obviously under the influence of strong cold air to cool, November 27, ~12-2Today, in East-Central China dabudiqu has appeared 4~6-level light northerly winds and cool with 6~8℃, of which, Eastern Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, North China and other places in the northern parts of cooling 10~12℃, Council of up to 14 ° c.   Eastern and southern areas, there have been 6~8-gust, and 9-level light northerly winds prevailed. In the Eastern Department of mild precipitation occurs cold air moistureCombined effect of the stream, on November 28, ~12 2nd large Department a significant rain and snow weather process in East, where the Eastern Shaanxi South-East, Southwest, Northwest Hunan, jianghan, yellow, the huaihe River heavy rain in some areas in the West, general process accumulated precipitation is 30~50 mm, up to 60~70 mm. North, yellow, the huaihe River in the South West and NorthDepartment of rain into snow or sleet occurred weather, moderate to heavy snow in some areas. Huang Huai South to fog this morning to morning land, in East-Central China dabudiqu mist, which, in Central-Eastern Gansu, Northwest Central Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong in the South, Central and western part of southern Henan, northern Jiangsu and Anhui, Chongqing, Northwest, West of Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan WestIn Northern and southwestern Yunnan with visibility in some areas less than 1000 meters in places such as fog, local visibility less than 200 metres. The next three days, specific forecasts from 27th to 28th, Northwestern Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang in the Northeast have small morphologyand grow well; Northwest South-East, West of huanghuai, jianghan Western, South-East, RiverSouth East Coast, West of South China and Taiwan and other places with light rain or showers; northern Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places 4~6-level wind; the Bohai Sea and Bashi Channel, the South China Sea in the North-East and northeast of the Eastern 6~7-level. 28th to 29th, northern Xinjiang, Northwest China, Central South region, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang in the Northeast the North-East, North WestIn places such as small morphologyand grow well in some areas (rain) or sleet; Northwest South of South-East diablo 3 power leveling, North, Northern huanghuai, JAC, jianghan, South Eastern, South Western and East and Taiwan and other places there are small rain, where the local heavy rain in southern Shaanxi, Northeastern Sichuan (25~35 mm) diablo 3 power leveling, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China and other places 4~6-level wind; in Bohai Sea will have 6~8 level, gusts of 9 level of northeasterly winds. From 29th to 30th, northern Xinjiang, North, North of Huang-Huai and other places have small morphologyand grow well or sleet, which local snow in western part of Northern Shanxi and Hebei (5~8 mm), Northwest, yellow, the huaihe River in the Southeast, JAC, jianghan, South-East, South of the West and East, Taiwan and other parts ofThere are small rain, of which, Western Hubei, Chongqing and other places in the North there is heavy rain (25~45 mm), Eastern Inner Mongolia, North-Central 4~6 level wind; Northern and Central Bohai Sea and the Bohai and yellow sea waters will have 7~8 level, gusts of 9 level of northeasterly winds, the southern Yellow Sea waters will have 6~7 level, gust 8 level of northeasterly winds. ()

India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chaired a cabinet meeting decided later 24th

129667837396396642_229 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3/">diablo 3 power leveling</a>India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chaired a cabinet meeting decided later 24th diablo 3 gold, further liberalize retail trade restrictions on foreign direct investment. India quoted Minister of State in charge of Consumer Affairs, food and public distribution Thomas reported that the Government has allowed the area of FDI in multi-brand retail sector holders of 51% shares,At the same time single brand retail sector foreign stock ownership ceiling increase from 51% per cent. However, India officially has not been officially released on this message, place of business to foreign investment and investment necessary to attach additional conditions it is not clear. India Minister of Commerce and industry anande·xiaerma said after the meeting: "we will publish notice in Parliament. "Analysts believe that this worldErma, Carrefour and other foreign retail giants entering India this scale of more than $ 400 billion retail market opens the door and India lead to improvements in technology, finance and supply chain.   But it faced opposition and coalition opposition within the decision, that this would damage the interests of small and medium enterprises and family-style retail stores. India allows foreign investment in early 1997 printingSet up wholly-owned are now purchased from games arcades, engage in wholesale business, and in 2006 to allow foreign investment in a single retail brands holds a maximum of 51% shares. Foreign retail giants such as Wal-Mart in recent years has been calling for India release of multi-brand retail restrictions on foreign investment, hoping to enter the fast-growing India retail market.


05.jpg9 month 25th

129615045719375000_2253NetEase sports reported September 25: September 25, 2011 in the 23rd round of the League against Shenyang Shen Beirong Sheng Dalian aerbin home team, stadium in Dalian University fighting. 90 minutes after heavy fighting, the two sides 2-2 draw. 64 minutes, Terry Kinney shootout to break the stalemate。 The 75 minute, Jose choushe scores banping. The 86 minute, Jose single pole single free shot scores banping. 2 minutes later, substitute appearances banping Yang Lin would score. Because only got a point after the draw, can aerbin ahead of three-wheeled rushed ultra needs to start at 16 o'clock Guangzhou r competition against Hunan Tao knotFruit, as long as Fuli invincible and aerbin will be ahead of three-wheeled rush super successful. Sports Photo Center < 返回="" 体育图片中心|查看图集|=""> (/4) forwarded to Twitter University Stadium fighting. Battle 90 minutes after both sides 2-2 draw. Because only got a point after the draw, can aerbin ahead of three-wheeled rush Super need to look at 16 o'clock start against Hunan Tao Guangzhou r competition results, as long as Fuli invincible and aerbin will be ahead of three-wheeled rush super successful.itle="img">http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/7EQE4ENQ08QP0005.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/t_7EQE4ENQ08QP0005.jpg9 month 25th, 2011Round 23rd against Shenyang Shen Beirong Sheng Dalian aerbin home team, stadium in Dalian University fighting. Battle 90 minutes after both sides 2-2 draw. Because only got a point after the draw, can aerbin ahead of three-wheeled rushed ultra needs to start at 16 o'clock Guangzhou r competition against Hunan Tao knotFruit, as long as Fuli invincible and aerbin will be ahead of three-wheeled rush super successful. http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/7EQE4EVI08QP0005.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/t_7EQE4EVI08QP0005.jpg9 month 25th, 2011 in the 23rd round of the League against Shenyang Shen Beirong Sheng Dalian aerbin home team, stadium in Dalian University fighting. 90 minutes after heavy fighting, the two sides 2-2 draw. Because only got a point after the draw, can aerbinThree rounds of punching Super need to start at 16 o'clock before playing Hunan Tao Guangzhou r competition results, as long as Fuli invincible and aerbin will be ahead of three-wheeled rush super successful. http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/7EQE4F1L08QP0005.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/t_7EQE4F1L08QP0005.jpg9 month 25th, 2011 in the 23rd round of the League against Shenyang Shen Beirong Sheng Dalian aerbin home team, stadium in Dalian University fighting. 90 minute battleAfter the 2-2 draw between the two sides. Because only got a point after the draw, can aerbin ahead of three-wheeled rush Super need to look at 16 o'clock start against Hunan Tao Guangzhou r competition results, as long as Fuli invincible and aerbin will be ahead of three-wheeled rush super successful. http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/7EQH0MF408QP0005.jpg http://img3.Cache.netease.com/photo/0005/2011-09-25/t_7EQH0MF408QP0005.jpg aerbin 14 wins 5-3 defeat team before the match 47 points rowTopped, Shen Beirong Sheng 7 WINS 8 7 negative volume 29 ranked 8th. In the first leg of the two sides clash in the negative at the time of the aerbin team 0-2 Tianjin runyu augmentation. Aerbin last 3 round 1 win 2, 5 WINS 1 draw of nearly 6 arena. Shen Beirong Sheng nearly 4 round 2 draw 2 defeat, nearly 3 away from home 2-1 defeat. The firstPortfolio compared to the upper whorl, aerbin team, there has been no change, Shenyang Shen Beirong Shing Olivier Andries, Soodi and Zhang Gong respectively replace Liu Le, Chen Yong (microblogging) strong and Li XING can. Opening 3 minutes, Hu Zhaojun frontcourt Beck, a free kick into a restricted zone, under heading gongmen hit the beam along the rebound in front of kedifu! Subsection11 minutes, Hu Zhaojun front left direct free kick shot, the ball struck the left post. 15 minute, Hu Zhaojun restricted line road free kick shot hit human wall ejected, Hu Zhaojun left foot shot hit anti-aircraft guns. Subsections 17 minutes, shenbei external long shots, ball playing Defender was ejectedThe bottom line. After 5 minutes, Sun h sung the frontcourt dribble burst Shi Lengjian play online at the top. 25 minute, Yin Road, arc top front left foot volley choushe high. 2 minutes later, Liu Huan 35 m away free kick heavy artillery gunfire on the right column. 29 minute, Moreira in the arc top right foot tuishe struck the right post. 4th0 minutes, Zhou Tong frontcourt Beck, breakthrough, Hao Qiang fouls received a yellow card. Hu Zhaojun frontcourt Beck corner kicks in the vicinity of a free kick down triangle back to knock on, Sun h Sung after Beck, a 45-degree angle to the point rolled out the bottom line. After 5 minutes, Zhang Gong frontcourt Beck, long shots nosebleed. After 2 minutes of injury Bushi, and even aerbin and shenbei team 0-0 handing each other. After the intermission, Hua Bo Zhang Gong under help. Easy edges and then 1 minute, Zhou Tong left corner crossing, tuishe after kedifu was blocked by defensive player. 47 minutes, Hu Zhaojun 26 metres free kick, Wang Hong to ride left foot THUMP is human wall blocking out. 2 minutes later, Moreira front leftSide left foot hard shot beat defects. 51 minutes, Wang Jun right corners and swing head gongmen no small closed area. 4 minutes later, Hu Zhaojun Beck corner kick crossing, leaping high in front of kedifu. 57 minutes, under Quan Heng for the Wang Jun. 64 minutes, Quan Heng as out right foot hard shot high to the right. 66 minute, Terry Kinney breakthroughIn the restricted area was down by Olivier Andries, referee Jun Xia decisive penalty shootout. Terry Kinney himself across from the main penalties hit, 1-0! 5 minutes under Zhao Ming put sudie. 72 minutes, uncovered Zhou Tong goalkeeper Li Gang to push the ball. The 75 minute, Jose 25 metres right foot shootsSucceeding 1-1! 77 minutes, under Cabecas for the Moreira. 1 minute later, shenbei external long shots Miss. 86 minutes, Sun h rising header in roof collapse, Jose seize opportunities single pole face Yu Zi thousand single free shot the plum blossoms BL, 2-1! 1 minute later, Yang Lin Tong under for the week. 88 minutes,Yang Lin left side half volley fire in the restricted area at the top right corner to score banping, 2-2! After 4 minutes of injury Bushi, aerbin 2-2 draw shenbei teams. Dalian aerbin team showed up with a list (4-2-3-1): 1-Yu Ziqian (Captain)/28-Wang Hongyou, 3-Zhao hejing, 16-kedifu, and17-Sun h Sheng/15-Yin Lu win, 20-Morera (77'26-card Besas)/12-Zhou Tong (87'30-Yang Lin), 39-o Wang Jun (57'25-Quan Heng), 14-Hu Zhaojun/9-Terry Kinney alternate: 6-Zhu Xiaogang, 7-Wu Qing, 10-Guo Hui, 23-Lei TaoShenyang Shen Beirong Beijing team showed up with a list (4-4-2): 30-Li Gang/5-Zhao Xudong, 4-Olivier Andries diablo 3 power leveling, 16-Liu Huan diablo 3 power leveling, 2-Hao Qiang/26-Soodi (71'8-Zhao Ming), 7-Cui Zhongkai, 19-Zhang Gong (46'18-Hua Bo), 20-Yang Junjie/10-aiernanFlanders, 9-Jose (Captain) substitutes: 13-Wang Dawang, 15-Zhang Xu, 21-Song Can, 22-heyjune win, 29-Li XING can welcome vote

2010 to apply. Details on our LFM page. If you've already applied once

New columnists announcement and call for shaman columnist round 2. Hundreds and hundreds of applications later, we have selected (most of) our newest columnists. It was quite difficult to choose among the top entries and we want to thank all of you who applied. Your enthusiasm for both the game and our site was truly awe-inspiring.Now, on to the new hires. As you will see below, some things changed during the application review process. There was much debate over the final choices, and we think the new writers we are bringing on are the best of the best.Legal Columnist: We've decided to add a legal columnist to WoW.com, covering various aspects of the law as it relates to WoW and online gaming. Amy Schley, a third year law student at the University of Missouri - Kansas City, will be joining our staff and provide her insights in the area once a week. Additionally, expect Amy to weigh on hot button legal issues as they come about, like the recent string of arrests made through WoW.Paladin: When we put out the call for a holy paladin writer, we were approached by our rogue columnist, Chase Christian. He has been raiding as a holy paladin for quite some time and wanted to know if we would consider him for the new column. We asked him to submit an application and compared it to all the others we received for the position. He rocked it. Chase will continue with the rogue weekly column and will be starting The Light And How To Swing It - holy paladin edition next week. Gregg Reece will continue to cover retribution and protection paldin topics on a weekly basis, but will be posting his column on Thursdays instead of the weekend.Shaman: Turns out asking for an odd spec combination didn't work out for us. We were hoping to find someone who could cover both restoration and enhancement for us, but, while we received applications that attempted one or the other, we weren't hugely impressed with any that attempted both. We were very impressed with one particular enhancement shaman application. We couldn't pass up on Rich Maloy aka Stoneybaby from Big Hit Box and so we decided to hire him to focus purely on enhancement shaman.Unfortunately, we didn't see any equally stand-out resto apps -- so we're still looking for a resto shaman. We feel that many good candidates probably did not apply due to the requirement of being an expert on the enhancement tree. Now that we are going to have three separate weekly shaman columns, we are now accepting applications for pure resto shaman. You have until Sunday, January 31, 2010 to apply. Details on our LFM page. If you've already applied once, you are welcome to reapply.More writer selections after the jump!Druid: You may not know the name Tyler Caraway, but any moonkin who has ever read the official class boards will know his forum handle. Yes diablo 3 power leveling, boys and girls, we hired Murmurs diablo 3 gold! Tyler has been the voice of balance druids on the official forums since vanilla WoW and we are very proud to bring him on to write about our feathery friends. As you may recall, we originally put out the call for a combo resto/balance druid writer. However, we couldn't pass up on Tyler and so Allison Robert, who currently plays a resto/feral dual spec, will continue to cover both topics.AddOn: Writing about AddOns is tricky business. You need to take something dry and technical and transform it into something accessible and entertaining to read. And no one approached it with more enthusiasm and flair than Mathew McCurley. Once he gets AddOn Spotlight back on track, he'll be tackling Reader UI of the Week and few more of the crazier ideas he had.Lore: Lore applications are still being discussed. We will have a decision soon (tm).With the exception of Chase, all the new writers will take 2-3 weeks before they will start writing for the site. Once we get them contracted and set-up in our system, expect to see their work for yourself.For those of you who applied and have any questions about your application, feel free to email me at dano@wow.com.Email This. New columnists announcement and call for shaman columnist round 2.


Sunday Morning Funnies: Infiltration and escape. This morning, we have quite a few comics for you to peruse before you head out and start your day diablo 3 gold, including the February winner of Blizzard's Honorable Comic Contest. From poking a bit of fun at the election process to rooting out those terrorists, we've got you covered. A New Kind of Welfare from Action Trip. Infiltrating WoW from AppleGeeks. Thanks for the tip Nate! If you're sufficiently confused, you might want to be debriefed by Amanda Dean's article about the connection between WoW, the government, and terrorism. Fugitive by Dark Legacy Comics. First Flight from Shakes and Fidget. Tens of Dollars! by GU Comics. LFG #126. Be Right Back! over at Monkey Punchers. The Politics of WoW from The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf. Thanks to Revsix for the notification! The latest from Sock Puppet Asylum. More Dad adventures from Ding! /gquit from The Adventures of Messy Cow. Snoll's submission to the Honorable Comic Contest won for February diablo 3 power leveling!Make the jump to submit your vote!I hereby nominate...A New Kind of Welfare21 (10.9%)Infiltrating WoW13 (6.7%)Fugitive15 (7.8%)First Flight14 (7.3%)Tens of Dollars2 (1.0%)LFG 12613 (6.7%)The Politics of WoW58 (30.1%)Latest from Sock Puppet Asylum1 (0.5%)From Ding!22 (11.4%)/gquit6 (3.1%)Snoll's winning comic28 (14.5%)Voting results from the week of February 17th 2008 to February 23rd 2008. A New World from Shakes and Fidget took the lead with 26.1% of the vote, while Dark Legacy's comic, Keydar isn't Punny, came in second with 21%.Email This. Sunday Morning Funnies: Infiltration and escape.

you'll find yourself stuck behind them

diablo 3 power leveling Don't get stuck in the Sunwell Plateau. I've found recently in my raiding of the Sunwell Plateau (here after and forever more referred to as SPLAT) that there are a few places folks shouldn't go.Kalecgos is one of them, that boss should just be wiped off the map. He's just that annoying. But baring that, there are these lovely little hedges placed around the instance. Don't go on those. If you do, you might just make your raid leader and Warlocks scream at you.If you get on one of these hedges and step the right way, you'll find yourself stuck behind them (click the image above for a high resolution version), unable to get out. The only way to get out is for you to hearth, for a Mage portal to be placed behind the hedge diablo 3 gold, or for a Warlock to summon you out. All the while you've taken up a good couple minutes of raid time.Needless to say, I've found myself in this trap before. Sometimes these hedges can be particularly deceiving since there'll be a space behind them that it looks like you can run around in and probably find a way out. However don't be fooled – 99% of the time there isn't.Maybe this is something the Blizzard modeling team can take up. Moving the hedges back just a few feet so they're flush against the wall would do the trick. But until this annoying little environment "feature" is changed, watch your step in the Sunwell Plateau!Email This. Don't get stuck in the Sunwell Plateau.

more than tens. Yesterday

129615038445781250_2211Recently this picture online crazy "small Chihi XI" micro-blogging photo right hand carry a orange Hermes bag, put a LV bag on the left hand. Recently this picture gone crazy viral on the Internet. Friends have claimed, this photo is from "small Chihi XI" microblogging diablo 3 power leveling, he or she is in Jinping County County in qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou provinceCommission, the daughter of Deputy Magistrate You Chenghua You Yixi. The daughter of Miss is Guiyang College, often buy luxury products. Sell anywhere from thousands of, more than tens. Yesterday (September 24), the tianfu Morning Post reporter enters "little Chihi XI" micro-blogging, has not found "cool Fu" photos. Displayed the first microblogging"People are not afraid of the shadow crooked, I don't know who did what he had done wrong to offend, and to use such libelous acts to false charges against me This is a harmonious society, to convince people. "But screenshots before users can see and" small Chihi XI "microblogging have been issued saying" us giving Uncle birthday gift.More than 17,000 more, I am responsible for 6,000 "," my (dress) is too much, finishing up only to find there a lot of new, forgot to wear. "And so on. On site in the southeast of Guizhou diablo 3 gold, tianfu morning post journalists find the information You Chenghua, incumbent in Jinping County of Guizhou County party Committee Standing Committee member and Deputy County Executive, Southeast of provident fund managementDirector. Reporter after calling in Jinping County people's Government Office, and discipline Inspection Commission calls were unanswered.