
3rd Xie 35% Diablo 3 Gold 3rd Xie 35% - DCDU

129809336160367500_1207According to Hong Kong media reports, half wash bin of new shares surge did not finish, more enterprises in the sign extends to the local company, Ying Hei unit modern education (1082) 3rd Xie 35%, full of the police unit Milan station (1150) fell two weeks 12%, except in investors. Analysis pointed out that part in front of the new listings in large stake in big discount Diablo 3 Gold, will be cut by water level drop cables, at the lower half of new shares is notIs low. Wash bin surge spread to Hong Kong companies earlier half of new shares are regarded as explosive burning hotbeds of private enterprises, but residual shares have been seen in low breath steady and even rebound came as washing bin wave has spread to parts of Hong Kong enterprises. Milan station, went public in May last year two months explosion down 40%; modern educational trends listed 10 months repeatedly, the past two day nose dive and 13%, respectively; in addition, Hatt (6880), thin (1830), and liwen handbags (1488), also dropped more than 3% on Friday, listing less than three months will thin down nearly more tired of 30%, for the worst of the year and a half of new shares. Ling Lion holdings Chairman Huang Weikang said, half of new shares has been criticized, by pricing in the last year, poor quality, he also believed that some shares after the tiring down 20%-30%,-Will not stop also fell more steeply TERA Gold, from the pre-IPO up to 20%-30% big discount to buy the goods of large, Zheng immediately or cargo. Big finance assets management Department of Alex Wong (microblogging) also believe that stock market attention, is the big sell shares stock, shares and purging is triggered. In fact, according to last year and this year more than 90 listed new sharesFound 2011 listing of new shares, even if some have with the recovery of large cities, but diving for just about 80% at the end of last year, to 65%, contusion and laceration over cent of still accounts for 40%, turn the road away. The worst decline in Tai Ling medical (1011), plus scenery (1165) and China stone (1380), over 70%, KBS on Friday and then purging 8.6%. New shares nearly half this year dive even if Hsi tired up 15% this year, but this year the listing of new shares continue to poor, still 47% about diving Diablo 3 gold, in addition to thin station Sai King special steel (1266) and Hao financial (1260) cumulative dropped more than 20%, just as vulnerable. Delta Asia financial group securities head of Xiong Liping believes that cool the IPO boom, plus the sources generally concentratedIf for some time no special action on the business of the company, investors sell the goods by mouth. (Editors: Zhang Liang) Others:

