
swtor credits implementation of piece-management and time management SKM

129667864406552892_239Jin Anguo-era technology company limited (hereinafter referred to as "gold An Guoji" or company) is a copper Clad Laminates for printed circuit product development, production and sales of high-tech enterprises, the main products include printed circuit with a copper-clad laminates and related products, CCL is an electronics industry the most basic raw materials. Because all electronic products, electronic components are required in thisSubstrate to become an electronic product, like the equivalent of power and steel products and industries, in the foreseeable future, there is considerable stability. The company has "King" and "JI" two brands, "King" brand mainly produces market high quality CCL, technologies and materials with special requirements applicable to new products, produced according to customer requirementBoard, with high-performance products to attract clients; "JI" brands on the market widely use ordinary plates to meet the diversified needs of customers. Company of copper clad laminate products with excellent quality, good value for money and has rich product structure PCB industry of China and the world wide recognition, product marketing in mainland China and Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Korea, North America and Europe. Independent research and development ability is strong, and notable through sustained innovation research and development of core technologies, mastered the large practical, it can bring direct economic benefits of copper clad laminate core technologies and unique technologies. The company has 2 invention patents and 1 utility model patents, there were 11 applications for invention patents and is admissible, the core technologies used in productionA total of 17. Formula of unique design capabilities of the company is reflected in two major areas: first, closely follow the development trend of electronic equipment and new technology of printed circuit boards, the company has a halogen-FR-4, high heat-resistant copper clad laminate, CTI CCL, high thermal conductivity copper clad laminate manufacturing method, and other core technologies to meet changing different performance requirements of the downstream product on laminate;Second, companies using independently developed the provisioning glue manufacture method and preparation method of epoxy resin adhesive technology, will take a more economical formula CCL products designed and manufactured to meet customer requirements, not only reduces the company's cost of production, good price/performance and stable quality of the product has won the trust of customers. Through independent research and development can be lower than the sameFixed asset investment to establish high-quality production lines of the same size. Company developed design gluing machine, back-flow lines and other production equipment, from a number of parts suppliers in purchasing parts and assemble yourself testing respectively, not only avoids the introduction of foreign complete set production line of large investments in significant cost savings, and also improve the secrecy of the company's core technology, the company has major productionRubber machine, return line on the device in the domestic leading level.����Companies at the same time the storage system, on supporting equipment such as heat medium system using the product or on its own custom design. Implementing differentiated competition strategies companies implement a differentiated product and target market strategies. Effectively focus resources, specialized production FR-4 plate, and the same type of the products into different gradesTo meet customer demand for product differentiation; company's target market positioning in the small and medium-sized customer groups, customers numerous and concentration is not high, demand a wide range of market-oriented rather than relying on a single customer. After many years of operation, the company established covering the production, purchase, sale and other aspects of a complete business system, creating a loyal mature management team, formed a BoardEfficient production management system standard, strict, perfect sales management system, management standard, responsive procurement inventory control management system and strict risk control, making stable and reliable product quality Diablo 3 Power Leveling, operational efficiency is high, and after the test of economic cycles, shows a good ability to resist risks and staying power of sustainable development. Standard and efficient production management systemCompany has industry within Advanced of production and detection device, ensure high quality of products, as computer control mixed rubber formula, take more item unique design of dip rubber way, may production thickness uniform of high quality half curing tablets; half curing tablets of cutting, and check and stack-in process are in strictly of constant temperature and humidity air conditioning workshop within for, suppressed device are for vacuum pressure machine, while also has industry withinThe most advanced automatic distribution boards, dismantling systems. Company has passed the quality management system certification.����Company has developed strict corporate standards and quality control operations guidance documents, realizing from the raw materials, semi-finished and finished products chain quality indicators precise testing and full process control, ensure the effective control of product quality and continuous improvement. PublicTaking full account of the Division under the premise of production safety and product quality, implementation of piece-management and time management, to create cost-effective low operation cost. Production activities to end customer orders for the production of a starting point, the pursuit of zero inventory, requirements working procedure processing finished semi-finished products will immediately be able to enter the next operation, production rhythm intervention, control, ensure the material balance of production.Future development prospects according to public information displays, Jin Anguo this proposed public offering of common stock 7 JI? smoked 0 shares. Raised funds will be invested "with an annual output of 9.6 million series of copper clad laminate for high grade Electronics" and "1? smoke 2 million metres of prepreg project". Raise money for this investment project with good market prospects, the company's future market shareWith greater headroom, the company has laid a solid market base for capacity expansion, future global and competitive company of PCB industry in China will maintain its own competitive advantages, have the ability to digest new capacity. Companies promote the "pursuit of excellence, to create a perfect" spirit of enterprise, adhering to the "people-oriented, sustainable management" business philosophy, adhere to the "unity and harmony,Common development "of talent strategy swtor credits, by strengthening core equipment research and development capabilities, improve production technology, improve management system forming strategy of cost leadership advantage through clear product positioning, steady marketing channels, the unique and efficient sales management system to build a differentiated competitive advantage, strive in 2011, and 2012 revenue growing steadily year by year. If2011 to raise money, raise money the company investment project will be commissioned in 2012. Company will strive to raise money in 2012 investment projects produce and sale rate of 99%, reaching rates more than 60%. Eventually enables companies to realize the leaping development of the technology and production scale, becoming the world's most advanced copper clad laminate manufacturing enterprises, achieve maximum shareholder return on investment. ��Helen)

